Super Tux 0.1.1 (...) ===================== * new handwritten font * endseq bug squished * build in leveledior * support for g++-2.95 Super Tux 0.1.0 (3 May 04) ========================== * completly new graphics * a basic storyline * new enemies * new music * a worldmap * 26 fully playable levels * configurable joystick and keyboard support * new s-expr based file-format * converter script for old levels ( * switched completly to C++ * automagic detection of the datafile location, no more requirement to run 'make install' * Win32 port * config file support Super Tux 0.0.6 (16 Mar 04) =========================== * Game Save/Load. * New Collision detection. * Graphical Level Editor. * OpenGL mode. * Bugfixes (Timer related and many others). * 2 new levels (Tux in Sky and Mondo). # EOF #