Note: Controversial list of things currently broken and controversial solutions for them. Coding Standard =============== * use SCons instead of CMake * make code clean: "-O2", "-g3", "-ansi", "-pedantic", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-Wnon-virtual-dtor", "-Weffc++", "-Wconversion", "-Werror", "-Wshadow", "-Wcast-qual", "-Winit-self", # only works with >= -O1 "-Wno-unused-parameter", * do not use raw pointer, especially not for Sprite and Surface * only do one variable initialization per line, not multiple as its currently often done in initialization list * remove overuse of multi-inheritance * remove overuse of friend'ship * maybe mark interfaces as interfaces (ISerializable or SerializableInterface) * split files with multiple classes into multiple files with one class each * switch to using SqPlus for squirrel bindings * implement basic graphics in SDL 1.3 and only special eye-candy in OpenGL TODO ==== * GameObject::RemoveListenerListEntry: Ughs, somebody trying to implement a list class within in the GameObject?! * replace random generator with mersene twister and/or move to external/ * check the code with Valgrind * static vs anonymous namespace * use Vector in Physics for 'a' and 'v' * add --datadir DIR (data/) and --userdir DIR (~/.supertux/) * make gravity a constant * funky side effect of too much global variables: when having a savegame with large or firetux and then starting that game, Tux in the menu background will grow and be visible that way for a fraction of a second * write scripts for include sorting and include guard checking that can be run automatically * md5.hpp and random_generator.hpp could go to external/ * rename Vector -> Vector2f * get rid of global SDL_Screen* screen variable * identify all global variables and make them ugly (g_ or globals::) * get rid of SCREEN_WIDTH/SCREEN_HEIGHT * is version.h actually needed? * resolution menu entry moves the wrong way around * write scripts to automatically check for: - all includes are relative to top level dir - include guards are proper * move SVN to (maybe one day) * move bugtracker to (much simpler, less useless) * having dictionary_manager in Lisp is extremely ugly * enforce proper naming of files to match their class * get rid of NDEBUG and conditional compilation, these should be reserved for a few tiny cases, not spread all over the code * split particlesystem_interactive * Renderer::apply_config() needs to handle fullscreen switching * collect all manager classe into globals.hpp * more moving directories around? addon/ audio/ control/ gui/ lisp/ math/ physfs/ sprite/ util/ video/ squirrel/ for generic squirrel code supertux/ worldmap/ trigger/ scripting/ for scripting wrapper code badguy/ object/ * implement PNG screenshot * GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two returns 1 on MatroxG450, while it returns "Missing" in glew info, something wrong * having hitbox in Sprite is fugly * write decal object * implement surface and/or sprite scaling (MipMaps?) # EOF #