(supertux-text (background "oiltux.jpg" ) (music "music/voc-boss.ogg" ) (text "- Congratulations! You have passed the main castle of this worldmap. However, there yet remains several more difficult levels to test your mettle. Can you pass them, including the castle in the forest to the south? In addition a parallel pathway exists on this map, good luck finding it. - ---WORLDMAP CREDITS--- (for game credits see item on Main Menu) * CT. da'Bomb Under the Ice Hanging From the Roof Out on the Crystal Fields Crystal Skies Crystal Sunset After the Glaciers * Wolfs Another cold day A hilly landscape Three Frosty Icebergs Entering the castle The dark castle My Penny is over the ocean A snowy hill * niso One Night in the Sky Crystal Beauty * 165your4 Cold Cavern * Stuart Rynn Cave Run Pink Snow * lazure Crystal Cataclysm * Devyn Collier Johnson Global Warming * GiBy Snowfall alert Holes, a Day on Ice The Toilette zone * Hume Sewer escape It's getting unfinishable * Anja In the Spring Coconut Fortress * Tore Bergebakken Deep, deeper... ...deepest! To rain or not to rain - That's the question To rain or not to rain - That's the question (Antarctic) Some light in the darkness would be fine, thanks! Red Alert, The forest is burning! The abandoned castle Castle of light and darkness The dark castle You can't climb higher than the clouds... ...but no one can stop it... Antarctic rain -89.2 degrees * LMH worldmap Flower Bonus * - Thanks for playing! ") )