function initialize() { Tux.add_bonus("grow"); RADIO.set_action("quiet"); PENNY.set_action("stand-left"); NOLOK.set_visible(false); LOGO.set_visible(false); LOGO.enable_gravity(false); SIGN.set_visible(false); } function logo_in() { local x = LOGO.get_pos_x(); local y = LOGO.get_pos_y(); local time = 1.5; LOGO.set_pos(x,-120); LOGO.set_visible(true); LOGO.set_velocity(0,(120+y)/time); LOGO.enable_gravity(false); wait(time); LOGO.set_velocity(0,0); wait(3); LOGO.set_visible(false); } function intro_text() { Text.set_text(translate ("Somewhere at the shores\nof Antarctica...")); Text.fade_in(1); wait(1); Text.fade_out(1); } function rap_scene() { Tux.deactivate(); //begin conversation and Tux rap play_sound("speech/tux_hello.ogg"); // 3.1 seconds Text.set_centered(false); Text.set_text(translate ("Tux: Hello Penny")); Text.fade_in(1); wait(2.5); Text.fade_out(1); wait(1); play_sound("speech/penny_runt_01.ogg"); // 1.2 seconds Text.set_text(translate ("Penny: Hey Tux")); Text.fade_in(0.5); wait(1); Text.fade_out(0.5); wait(0.5); play_sound("speech/tux_murp_01.ogg"); // 1.5 seconds Text.set_text(translate ("Tux: Check out my dance moves.")); Text.fade_in(0.5); wait(1); Text.fade_out(0.5); wait(0.5); RADIO.set_action("loud"); play_sound("speech/tux_rap.ogg"); // 24.6 seconds local t = ::newthread(shake_bush_thread);; // Nolok's waiting... // meanwhile... Tux dances! // TODO: add some more dance moves besides jumps, ducks, & flips // and fill in the parts where he just stands still wait(6); // music intro - 6 seconds Tux.do_duck(); Tux.set_dir(false); wait(0.40625); // all times rounded to nearest 1/64 of a second Tux.do_standup(); Tux.kick(); // 0.3 seconds wait(0.40625); Tux.set_dir(true); wait(0.203125); Tux.set_dir(false); wait(0.203125); Tux.set_dir(true); wait(0.09375); Tux.do_duck(); // t=7.3 wait(0.5); Tux.set_dir(false); wait(0.203125); Tux.set_dir(true); wait(0.203125); Tux.set_dir(false); wait(0.203125); Tux.set_dir(true); wait(0.203125); Tux.set_dir(false); wait(0.203125); Tux.set_dir(true); Tux.do_standup(); // t=8.8 wait(0.203125); Tux.set_dir(false); wait(0.203125); Tux.kick(); wait(0.40625); Tux.set_dir(true); Tux.do_jump(-300); wait(0.703125); Tux.do_duck(); // t=10.7 wait(0.296875); Tux.set_dir(false); wait(0.59375); Tux.set_dir(true); wait(0.703125); Tux.do_standup(); // t=12.3 Tux.kick(); wait(0.5); Tux.do_duck(); wait(0.5); Tux.do_backflip(); // t=13.3 wait(79.0/64); Tux.walk(200); wait(38.0/64); Tux.walk(0); wait(184.0/64); Tux.set_dir(false); //t=18.0 wait(0.3) Tux.kick(); wait(0.40625); Tux.do_duck(); Tux.set_dir(true); wait(0.296875); Tux.set_dir(false); // t=19.0 wait(0.5); Tux.do_standup(); Tux.do_jump(-800); wait(1.5); Tux.kick(); // t=21 wait(0.5); Tux.do_duck(); wait(0.5); Tux.do_jump(-400); wait(1.0); Tux.do_standup(); wait(0.796875); Tux.set_dir(true); //t=23.8 - Tux sees Nolok! Tux.do_jump(-520); wait(151.0/64); // we have to activate Tux to hurt him Tux.activate(); Tux.kill(false); Tux.deactivate(); wait(1.5); // song is done // darkness NOLOK.set_visible(false); NOLOK.set_solid(false); PENNY.set_visible(false); PENNY.set_solid(false); RADIO.set_visible(false); RADIO.set_solid(false); SIGN.set_visible(true); //wake up, Tux... Effect.fade_in(3); play_sound("speech/tux_upset.ogg"); // 11 seconds Text.set_text(translate ("Tux: Oww... my head...")); Text.fade_in(1); wait(1.9); Tux.activate(); Text.fade_out(0.3); wait(0.5); Text.set_text(translate ("Tux: Wait!")); // t=2.4 Text.fade_in(0.5); wait(1); Text.fade_out(0.5); wait(0.5); Text.set_text(translate ("Tux: Penny!")); // t=3.9 Text.fade_in(0.5); wait(1); Text.fade_out(0.5); wait(0.5); Text.set_text(translate ("Tux: Where are you, Penny?!")); // t=4.4 Text.fade_in(0.5); wait(2); Text.fade_out(0.5); wait(0.5); Text.set_text(translate ("Tux: Oh no...")); // t=6.9 Text.fade_in(0.5); wait(1); Text.fade_out(0.5); wait(0.5); Text.set_text(translate ("Tux: Don't worry, Penny, I'll rescue you!")); // t=8.4 Text.fade_in(0.5); wait(2); Text.fade_out(0.5); wait(0.5); } function shake_bush() { //play_sound("sounds/rustle.wav"); local bushx = BUSH.get_pos_x(); local bushy = BUSH.get_pos_y(); for(local i = 0; i < 21; ++i) { BUSH.set_pos(bushx + ( rand() % 6 ) - 3, bushy); wait(0.046875); } wait(0.015625); } function shake_bush_thread(table) { table.wait(8); table.shake_bush(); // each bush shake lasts 1 second table.wait(5); table.shake_bush(); table.wait(3); table.shake_bush(); table.wait(2); table.shake_bush(); table.shake_bush(); // total 23 seconds //enter Nolok table.NOLOK.set_velocity(-220, 600); table.NOLOK.set_visible(true); table.Effect.fade_out(1.3); } function end_level() { //end intro sequence Effect.fade_out(2); wait(2.1); Level.finish(true); } state_idx <- 0; states <- { init=0, start=1, logo_in=2, intro_text=3, rap_scene=4, end_level=5}; function trigger_state(state) { local idx = states[state]; if(!idx || idx <= state_idx) return; state_idx = idx; switch(state) { case "start": initialize(); break; case "logo_in": logo_in(); break; case "intro_text": intro_text(); break; case "rap_scene": rap_scene(); break; case "end_level": end_level(); break; } }