# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: # Narre , 2013 # fri , 2013 # Hume , 2013 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-09 14:11+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-20 13:10+0000\n" "Last-Translator: fri \n" "Language-Team: Czech (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/supertux/language/cs/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: cs\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" #: data/levels/world2/Crumbling_Path.stl:3 msgid "Crumbling Path" msgstr "Drolící se pěšina" #: data/levels/world2/airkey.stl:3 msgid "Treasure in the skies" msgstr "Poklad na nebi" #: data/levels/world2/builder.stl:3 msgid "Tux the Builder" msgstr "Tux stavitel" #: data/levels/world2/builder.stl:38 msgid "" "-Portable Rocks:\n" "\n" "!images/help/rockhowto1.png\n" "!images/help/rockhowto2.png\n" "!images/help/rockhowto3.png\n" msgstr "-Přenosné bloky:⏎\n⏎\n!images/help/rockhowto1.png⏎\n!images/help/rockhowto2.png⏎\n!images/help/rockhowto3.png⏎\\n" #: data/levels/world2/castle.stl:3 msgid "Iceberg Fortress" msgstr "Ledovcová pevnost" #: data/levels/world2/castledoor.stl:3 #: data/levels/world2/dfk-placeholder-1.stl:3 msgid "NOLOK" msgstr "NOLOK" #: data/levels/world2/christoph1.stl:3 msgid "Bouncy Coils" msgstr "Pružné cívky" #: data/levels/world2/christoph2.stl:3 msgid "Tree Fortress" msgstr "Stromová pevnost" #: data/levels/world2/christoph3.stl:3 msgid "A Mouldy Grotto" msgstr "Prohnilá slůj" #: data/levels/world2/christoph5.stl:3 msgid "Short Visit to El Castillo" msgstr "Krátká návštěva El Castilla" #: data/levels/world2/christoph6.stl:3 msgid "Welcome to the Forest" msgstr "Vítejte v lese" #: data/levels/world2/christoph7.stl:3 msgid "Countercurrent" msgstr "Protiproud" #: data/levels/world2/christoph8.stl:3 msgid "Little Venice" msgstr "Malé Benátky" #: data/levels/world2/christoph9.stl:3 msgid "Two Tiny Towers" msgstr "Dvě malinké věže" #: data/levels/world2/christophA.stl:3 msgid "Three sheets to the wind" msgstr "Tři přikrývky ve větru" #: data/levels/world2/christophB.stl:3 msgid "Kneep-deep in the depth" msgstr "Hluboko ve hloubce" #: data/levels/world2/christophC.stl:3 msgid "Duct Ape" msgstr "Větrací šachty" #: data/levels/world2/christophD.stl:3 msgid "Room of Stars" msgstr "Místnost hvězd" #: data/levels/world2/christophE.stl:3 msgid "The Silent Walls" msgstr "Tiché zdi" #: data/levels/world2/dan_morial.stl:3 msgid "Dan Morial" msgstr "Dan Morial" #: data/levels/world2/detour.stl:3 msgid "Detour" msgstr "Obchůzka" #: data/levels/world2/dfk-level1.stl:3 msgid "Dark Forest Keep - The Evil Chamber" msgstr "Udržovat temný les - Ďáblova komora" #: data/levels/world2/dfk-level2.stl:3 msgid "Dark Forest Keep - The Eyes Of Nolok" msgstr "Udržovat temný les - Nolokovy oči" #: data/levels/world2/dfk-level3.stl:3 msgid "Dark Forest Keep - The Black Tower" msgstr "Udržovat temný les - Černá věž" #: data/levels/world2/fish.stl:3 msgid "Find the Bigger Fish!" msgstr "Najdi větší rybu!" #: data/levels/world2/forest1-grumbel.stl:3 msgid "Forest Level 1" msgstr "Lesní úroveň 1" #: data/levels/world2/ghostly.stl:3 msgid "A Ghostly World" msgstr "Svět duchů" #: data/levels/world2/key1.stl:3 msgid "key 1 water - to be placed behind waterfall" msgstr "Klíč 1 voda - umístěn za vodopádem" #: data/levels/world2/key2.stl:3 msgid "key 2 earth - to be placed underground" msgstr "Klíč 2 země - umístěn v podzemí" #: data/levels/world2/key3.stl:3 msgid "key 3 wood - to be placed in a big tree" msgstr "Klíč 3 dřevo - umístěn ve velkém stromu" #: data/levels/world2/key4.stl:3 msgid "key 4 fire - to be placed in a small castle" msgstr "Klíč 4 oheň - umístěn v malém hradu" #: data/levels/world2/key5.stl:3 msgid "key 5 air - to be placed in clouds " msgstr "Klíč 5 vzduch - umístěn v oblacích" #: data/levels/world2/keystodoor.stl:3 msgid "Entrance to the Castle" msgstr "Vstup do hradu" #: data/levels/world2/leaves.stl:3 msgid "Walking Leaves" msgstr "Chodící listí" #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:3 msgid "Roots, Woody Roots" msgstr "Kořeny, dřevěné kořeny" #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:146 msgid "" "-Hint:\n" "#If there seems to be\n" "#no way to reach a door,\n" "#remember that you might\n" "#be supposed to come out\n" "#of that door..." msgstr "-Nápověda:⏎\n#Pokud se zdá, že není⏎\n#způsobu, jak se dostat⏎\n# ke dveřím, pamatuj si, že⏎\n#máš možná vyjít těmito⏎\n#dveřmi..." #: data/levels/world2/level2.stl:3 msgid "Down The Rabbit Hole" msgstr "Dolů králičí norou" #: data/levels/world2/level2.stl:46 msgid "" "-Oh no!\n" "#The path is blocked! It\n" "#seems that the only way\n" "#leads through that dark\n" "#hole in the ground..." msgstr "-Ale ne!⏎\n#Cesta je zatarasena!⏎\n#Vypadá to, že jediná cesta⏎\n#vede dolů skrz tuhle tmavou⏎\n#díru v zemi..." #: data/levels/world2/level2.stl:55 msgid "-Are you lost?" msgstr "-Ztratil ses?" #: data/levels/world2/level4.stl:3 msgid "Going Underground" msgstr "Jdeme do podzemí" #: data/levels/world2/level5.stl:3 msgid "Green Hills" msgstr "Zelené kopečky" #: data/levels/world2/level6.stl:3 msgid "No Name" msgstr "Žádný název" #: data/levels/world2/light+magic.stl:3 msgid "Light and Magic" msgstr "Světlo a kouzla" #: data/levels/world2/owls_revenge.stl:3 msgid "Owls' Revenge" msgstr "Pomsta sov" #: data/levels/world2/shocking.stl:3 msgid "Shocking" msgstr "Šokování" #: data/levels/world2/trees.stl:3 msgid "Penguins don't grow on Trees" msgstr "Tučňáci nerostou na stromech" #: data/levels/world2/underconstruction.stl:3 msgid "Under Construction" msgstr "Pod konstrukcí" #: data/levels/world2/updown.stl:3 msgid "Up and Down" msgstr "Nahoru a dolů" #: data/levels/world2/village.stl:3 msgid "A Village in the Forest" msgstr "Vesnice v lese" #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:3 msgid "Forest World" msgstr "Lesní svět"