=head1 NAME collectd.conf - Configuration for the system statistics collection daemon B =head1 SYNOPSIS BaseDir "/path/to/data/" PIDFile "/path/to/pidfile/collectd.pid" Server "" 12345 LoadPlugin cpu LoadPlugin load LoadPlugin ping Host "example.org" Host "provider.net" =head1 DESCRIPTION This config file controls how the system statistics collection daemon B behaves. The most significant option is B, which controls which plugins to load. These plugins ultimately define collectd's behavior. The syntax of this config file is similar to the config file of the famous B. Each line contains either a key-value-pair or a section-start or -end. Empty lines and everything after the hash-symbol `#' is ignored. Values are either string, enclosed in double-quotes, (floating-point-)numbers or a boolean expression, i.Ee. either B or B. String containing of only alphanumeric characters and underscores do not need to be quoted. Lines may be wrapped by using `\' as the last character before the newline. This allows long lines to be split into multiple lines. Quoted strings may be wrapped as well. However, those are treated special in that whitespace at the beginning of the following lines will be ignored, which allows for nicely indenting the wrapped lines. The configuration is read and processed in order, i.Ee. from top to bottom. So the plugins are loaded in the order listed in this config file. It is a good idea to load any logging plugins first in order to catch messages from plugins during configuration. Also, the C option B occur B the CPlugin ...E> block. =head1 GLOBAL OPTIONS =over 4 =item B I Sets the base directory. This is the directory beneath all RRD-files are created. Possibly more subdirectories are created. This is also the working directory for the daemon. =item B I Loads the plugin I. There must be at least one such line or B will be mostly useless. =item B I If I points to a file, includes that file. If I points to a directory, recursively includes all files within that directory and its subdirectories. If the C function is available on your system, shell-like wildcards are expanded before files are included. This means you can use statements like the following: Include "/etc/collectd.d/*.conf" If more than one files are included by a single B option, the files will be included in lexicographical order (as defined by the C function). Thus, you can e.Eg. use numbered prefixes to specify the order in which the files are loaded. To prevent loops and shooting yourself in the foot in interesting ways the nesting is limited to a depth of 8Elevels, which should be sufficient for most uses. Since symlinks are followed it is still possible to crash the daemon by looping symlinks. In our opinion significant stupidity should result in an appropriate amount of pain. It is no problem to have a block like CPlugin fooE> in more than one file, but you cannot include files from within blocks. =item B I Sets where to write the PID file to. This file is overwritten when it exists and deleted when the program is stopped. Some init-scripts might override this setting using the B<-P> command-line option. =item B I Path to the plugins (shared objects) of collectd. =item B I [I ...] Set one or more files that contain the data-set descriptions. See L for a description of the format of this file. =item B I Configures the interval in which to query the read plugins. Obviously smaller values lead to a higher system load produced by collectd, while higher values lead to more coarse statistics. =item B I Number of threads to start for reading plugins. The default value is B<5>, but you may want to increase this if you have more than five plugins that take a long time to read. Mostly those are plugin that do network-IO. Setting this to a value higher than the number of plugins you've loaded is totally useless. =item B I Sets the hostname that identifies a host. If you omit this setting, the hostname will be determinded using the L system call. =item B B If B is determined automatically this setting controls whether or not the daemon should try to figure out the "fully qualified domain name", FQDN. This is done using a lookup of the name returned by C. Using this feature (i.Ee. setting this option to B) is recommended. However, to preserve backwards compatibility the default is set to B. The sample config file that is installed with Cinstall> includes a line which sets this option, though, so that default installations will have this setting enabled. =item B I =item B I Configure the name of the "pre-cache chain" and the "post-cache chain". Please see L below on information on chains and how these setting change the daemon's behavior. =back =head1 PLUGIN OPTIONS Some plugins may register own options. These options must be enclosed in a C-Section. Which options exist depends on the plugin used. Some plugins require external configuration, too. The C, for example, required C to be configured in the webserver you're going to collect data from. These plugins are listed below as well, even if they don't require any configuration within collectd's configfile. A list of all plugins and a short summary for each plugin can be found in the F file shipped with the sourcecode and hopefully binary packets as well. =head2 Plugin C To configure the C-plugin you first need to configure the Apache webserver correctly. The Apache-plugin C needs to be loaded and working and the C directive needs to be B. You can use the following snipped to base your Apache config upon: ExtendedStatus on SetHandler server-status Since its C module is very similar to Apache's, B is also supported. It introduces a new field, called C, to count the number of currently connected clients. This field is also supported. The following options are accepted by the C-plugin: =over 4 =item B I Sets the URL of the C output. This needs to be the output generated by C and it needs to be the machine readable output generated by appending the C argument. =item B I Optional user name needed for authentication. =item B I Optional password needed for authentication. =item B B Enable or disable peer SSL certificate verification. See L for details. Enabled by default. =item B B Enable or disable peer host name verification. If enabled, the plugin checks if the C or a C field of the SSL certificate matches the host name provided by the B option. If this identity check fails, the connection is aborted. Obviously, only works when connecting to a SSL enabled server. Enabled by default. =item B I File that holds one or more SSL certificates. If you want to use HTTPS you will possibly need this option. What CA certificates come bundled with C and are checked by default depends on the distribution you use. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Hostname of the host running B. Defaults to B. Please note that IPv6 support has been disabled unless someone can confirm or decline that B can handle it. =item B I TCP-Port to connect to. Defaults to B<3551>. =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin collects information about an Ascent server, a free server for the "World of Warcraft" game. This plugin gathers the information by fetching the XML status page using C and parses it using C. The configuration options are the same as for the C plugin above: =over 4 =item B I Sets the URL of the XML status output. =item B I Optional user name needed for authentication. =item B I Optional password needed for authentication. =item B B Enable or disable peer SSL certificate verification. See L for details. Enabled by default. =item B B Enable or disable peer host name verification. If enabled, the plugin checks if the C or a C field of the SSL certificate matches the host name provided by the B option. If this identity check fails, the connection is aborted. Obviously, only works when connecting to a SSL enabled server. Enabled by default. =item B I File that holds one or more SSL certificates. If you want to use HTTPS you will possibly need this option. What CA certificates come bundled with C and are checked by default depends on the distribution you use. =back =head2 Plugin C Starting with BIND 9.5.0, the most widely used DNS server software provides extensive statistics about queries, responses and lots of other information. The bind plugin retrieves this information that's encoded in XML and provided via HTTP and submits the values to collectd. To use this plugin, you first need to tell BIND to make this information available. This is done with the C configuration option: statistics-channels { inet localhost port 8053; }; The configuration follows the grouping that can be seen when looking at the data with an XSLT compatible viewer, such as a modern web browser. It's probably a good idea to make yourself familiar with the provided values, so you can understand what the collected statistics actually mean. Synopsis: URL "http://localhost:8053/" OpCodes true QTypes true ServerStats true ZoneMaintStats true ResolverStats false MemoryStats true QTypes true ResolverStats true CacheRRSets true Zone "127.in-addr.arpa/IN" The bind plugin accepts the following configuration options: =over 4 =item B I URL from which to retrieve the XML data. If not specified, C will be used. =item B I|I When enabled, statistics about the I<"OpCodes">, for example the number of C packets, are collected. Default: Enabled. =item B I|I When enabled, the number of I queries by query types (for example C, C, C) is collected. Default: Enabled. =item B I|I Collect global server statistics, such as requests received over IPv4 and IPv6, successful queries, and failed updates. Default: Enabled. =item B I|I Collect zone maintenance statistics, mostly information about notifications (zone updates) and zone transfers. Default: Enabled. =item B I|I Collect resolver statistics, i.Ee. statistics about outgoing requests (e.Eg. queries over IPv4, lame servers). Since the global resolver counters apparently were removed in BIND 9.5.1 and 9.6.0, this is disabled by default. Use the B option within a B block instead for the same functionality. Default: Disabled. =item B Collect global memory statistics. Default: Enabled. =item B I Collect statistics about a specific I<"view">. BIND can behave different, mostly depending on the source IP-address of the request. These different configurations are called "views". If you don't use this feature, you most likely are only interested in the C<_default> view. Within a EBEIE block, you can specify which information you want to collect about a view. If no B block is configured, no detailed view statistics will be collected. =over 4 =item B I|I If enabled, the number of I queries by query type (e.Eg. C, C) is collected. Default: Enabled. =item B I|I Collect resolver statistics, i.Ee. statistics about outgoing requests (e.Eg. queries over IPv4, lame servers). Default: Enabled. =item B I|I If enabled, the number of entries (I<"RR sets">) in the view's cache by query type is collected. Negative entries (queries which resulted in an error, for example names that do not exist) are reported with a leading exclamation mark, e.Eg. "!A". Default: Enabled. =item B I When given, collect detailed information about the given zone in the view. The information collected if very similar to the global B information (see above). You can repeat this option to collect detailed information about multiple zones. By default no detailed zone information is collected. =back =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin doesn't have any options. It reads F (for the first CPU installed) to get the current CPU frequency. If this file does not exist make sure B (L) or a similar tool is installed and an "cpu governor" (that's a kernel module) is loaded. =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Set the directory to store CSV-files under. Per default CSV-files are generated beneath the daemon's working directory, i.Ee. the B. The special strings B and B can be used to write to the standard output and standard error channels, respectively. This, of course, only makes much sense when collectd is running in foreground- or non-daemon-mode. =item B B If set to B, convert counter values to rates. If set to B (the default) counter values are stored as is, i.Ee. as an increasing integer number. =back =head2 Plugin C The curl plugin uses the B (L) to read web pages and the match infrastructure (the same code used by the tail plugin) to use regular expressions with the received data. The following example will read the current value of AMD stock from google's finance page and dispatch the value to collectd. URL "http://finance.google.com/finance?q=NYSE%3AAMD" User "foo" Password "bar" Regex "]*> *([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+) *" DSType "GaugeAverage" # Note: `stock_value' is not a standard type. Type "stock_value" Instance "AMD" In the B block, there may be one or more B blocks, each defining a web page and one or more "matches" to be performed on the returned data. The string argument to the B block is used as plugin instance. The following options are valid within B blocks: =over 4 =item B I URL of the web site to retrieve. Since a regular expression will be used to extract information from this data, non-binary data is a big plus here ;) =item B I Username to use if authorization is required to read the page. =item B I Password to use if authorization is required to read the page. =item B B|B Enable or disable peer SSL certificate verification. See L for details. Enabled by default. =item B B|B Enable or disable peer host name verification. If enabled, the plugin checks if the C or a C field of the SSL certificate matches the host name provided by the B option. If this identity check fails, the connection is aborted. Obviously, only works when connecting to a SSL enabled server. Enabled by default. =item B I File that holds one or more SSL certificates. If you want to use HTTPS you will possibly need this option. What CA certificates come bundled with C and are checked by default depends on the distribution you use. =item B B|B Measure response time for the request. Disabled by default. =item BMatchE> One or more B blocks that define how to match information in the data returned by C. The C plugin uses the same infrastructure that's used by the C plugin, so please see the documentation of the C plugin below on how matches are defined. =back =head2 Plugin C The B uses B (L) and B (L) to retrieve JSON data via cURL. This can be used to collect values from CouchDB documents (which are stored JSON notation), for example. The following example will collect several values from the built-in `_stats' runtime statistics module of CouchDB (L). Instance "httpd" Type "http_requests" Type "http_request_methods" Type "http_response_codes" Another CouchDB example: The following example will collect the status values from each database: Instance "dbs" Type "gauge" Type "counter" Type "bytes" In the B block, there may be one or more B blocks, each defining a URL to be fetched via HTTP (using libcurl) and one or more B blocks. The B string argument must be in a path format, of which is used to collect a value from a JSON map object. If a B path element is that of a I<*> wildcard, the values for all keys will be collectd. The following options are valid within B blocks: =over 4 =item B I Sets the plugin instance to I. =item B I Username to use if authorization is required to read the page. =item B I Password to use if authorization is required to read the page. =item B B|B Enable or disable peer SSL certificate verification. See L for details. Enabled by default. =item B B|B Enable or disable peer host name verification. If enabled, the plugin checks if the C or a C field of the SSL certificate matches the host name provided by the B option. If this identity check fails, the connection is aborted. Obviously, only works when connecting to a SSL enabled server. Enabled by default. =item B I File that holds one or more SSL certificates. If you want to use HTTPS you will possibly need this option. What CA certificates come bundled with C and are checked by default depends on the distribution you use. =back The following options are valid within B blocks: =over 4 =item B I Sets the type used to dispatch the values to the daemon. Detailed information about types and their configuration can be found in L. This option is mandatory. =item B I Type-instance to use. Defaults to the current map key or current string array element value. =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin uses the B library (L) to connect to various databases, execute I statements and read back the results. I is an acronym for "database interface" in case you were wondering about the name. You can configure how each column is to be interpreted and the plugin will generate one or more data sets from each row returned according to these rules. Because the plugin is very generic, the configuration is a little more complex than those of other plugins. It usually looks something like this: Statement "SELECT category, COUNT(*) AS value FROM products WHERE in_stock = 0 GROUP BY category" # Use with MySQL 5.0.0 or later MinVersion 50000 Type "gauge" InstancePrefix "out_of_stock" InstancesFrom "category" ValuesFrom "value" Driver "mysql" DriverOption "host" "localhost" DriverOption "username" "collectd" DriverOption "password" "aZo6daiw" DriverOption "dbname" "prod_info" SelectDB "prod_info" Query "out_of_stock" The configuration above defines one query with one result and one database. The query is then linked to the database with the B option I the BDatabaseE> block. You can have any number of queries and databases and you can also use the B statement to split up the configuration file in multiple, smaller files. However, the BQueryE> block I precede the BDatabaseE> blocks, because the file is interpreted from top to bottom! The following is a complete list of options: =head3 B blocks Query blocks define I statements and how the returned data should be interpreted. They are identified by the name that is given in the opening line of the block. Thus the name needs to be unique. Other than that, the name is not used in collectd. In each B block, there is one or more B blocks. B blocks define which column holds which value or instance information. You can use multiple B blocks to create multiple values from one returned row. This is especially useful, when queries take a long time and sending almost the same query again and again is not desirable. Example: Statement "select station, temperature, humidity from environment" Type "temperature" # InstancePrefix "foo" InstancesFrom "station" ValuesFrom "temperature" Type "humidity" InstancesFrom "station" ValuesFrom "humidity" The following options are accepted: =over 4 =item B I Sets the statement that should be executed on the server. This is B interpreted by collectd, but simply passed to the database server. Therefore, the SQL dialect that's used depends on the server collectd is connected to. The query has to return at least two columns, one for the instance and one value. You cannot omit the instance, even if the statement is guaranteed to always return exactly one line. In that case, you can usually specify something like this: Statement "SELECT \"instance\", COUNT(*) AS value FROM table" (That works with MySQL but may not be valid SQL according to the spec. If you use a more strict database server, you may have to select from a dummy table or something.) Please note that some databases, for example B, will fail if you include a semicolon at the end of the statement. =item B I =item B I Only use this query for the specified database version. You can use these options to provide multiple queries with the same name but with a slightly different syntax. The plugin will use only those queries, where the specified minimum and maximum versions fit the version of the database in use. The database version is determined by C, see the L for details. Basically, each part of the version is assumed to be in the range from B<00> to B<99> and all dots are removed. So version "4.1.2" becomes "40102", version "5.0.42" becomes "50042". B The plugin will use B matching queries, so if you specify multiple queries with the same name and B ranges, weird stuff will happen. Don't to it! A valid example would be something along these lines: MinVersion 40000 MaxVersion 49999 ... MinVersion 50000 MaxVersion 50099 ... MinVersion 50100 # No maximum In the above example, there are three ranges that don't overlap. The last one goes from version "5.1.0" to infinity, meaning "all later versions". Versions before "4.0.0" are not specified. =item B I The B that's used for each line returned. See L for more details on how types are defined. In short: A type is a predefined layout of data and the number of values and type of values has to match the type definition. If you specify "temperature" here, you need exactly one gauge column. If you specify "if_octets", you will need two counter columns. See the B setting below. There must be exactly one B option inside each B block. =item B I Prepends I to the type instance. If B (see below) is not given, the string is simply copied. If B is given, I and all strings returned in the appropriate columns are concatenated together, separated by dashes I<("-")>. =item B I [I ...] Specifies the columns whose values will be used to create the "type-instance" for each row. If you specify more than one column, the value of all columns will be joined together with dashes I<("-")> as separation characters. The plugin itself does not check whether or not all built instances are different. It's your responsibility to assure that each is unique. This is especially true, if you do not specify B: B have to make sure that only one row is returned in this case. If neither B nor B is given, the type-instance will be empty. =item B I [I ...] Names the columns whose content is used as the actual data for the data sets that are dispatched to the daemon. How many such columns you need is determined by the B setting above. If you specify too many or not enough columns, the plugin will complain about that and no data will be submitted to the daemon. The actual data type in the columns is not that important. The plugin will automatically cast the values to the right type if it know how to do that. So it should be able to handle integer an floating point types, as well as strings (if they include a number at the beginning). There must be at least one B option inside each B block. =back =head3 B blocks Database blocks define a connection to a database and which queries should be sent to that database. Since the used "dbi" library can handle a wide variety of databases, the configuration is very generic. If in doubt, refer to libdbi's documentationE- we stick as close to the terminology used there. Each database needs a "name" as string argument in the starting tag of the block. This name will be used as "PluginInstance" in the values submitted to the daemon. Other than that, that name is not used. =over 4 =item B I Specifies the driver to use to connect to the database. In many cases those drivers are named after the database they can connect to, but this is not a technical necessity. These drivers are sometimes referred to as "DBD", BataBase Briver, and some distributions ship them in separate packages. Drivers for the "dbi" library are developed by the B project at L. You need to give the driver name as expected by the "dbi" library here. You should be able to find that in the documentation for each driver. If you mistype the driver name, the plugin will dump a list of all known driver names to the log. =item B I I Sets driver-specific options. What option a driver supports can be found in the documentation for each driver, somewhere at L. However, the options "host", "username", "password", and "dbname" seem to be deEfacto standards. Unfortunately, drivers are not too keen to report errors when an unknown option is passed to them, so invalid settings here may go unnoticed. This is not the plugin's fault, it will report errors if it gets them from the libraryE/ the driver. If a driver complains about an option, the plugin will dump a complete list of all options understood by that driver to the log. =item B I In some cases, the database name you connect with is not the database name you want to use for querying data. If this option is set, the plugin will "select" (switch to) that database after the connection is established. =item B I Associates the query named I with this database connection. The query needs to be defined I this statement, i.Ee. all query blocks you want to refer to must be placed above the database block you want to refer to them from. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Select partitions based on the devicename. =item B I Select partitions based on the mountpoint. =item B I Select partitions based on the filesystem type. =item B I|I Invert the selection: If set to true, all partitions B the ones that match any one of the criteria are collected. By default only selected partitions are collected if a selection is made. If no selection is configured at all, B partitions are selected. =item B I|I Report using the device name rather than the mountpoint. i.e. with this I, (the default), it will report a disk as "root", but with it I, it will be "sda1" (or whichever). =back =head2 Plugin C The C plugin collects information about the usage of physical disks and logical disks (partitions). Values collected are the number of octets written to and read from a disk or partition, the number of read/write operations issued to the disk and a rather complex "time" it took for these commands to be issued. Using the following two options you can ignore some disks or configure the collection only of specific disks. =over 4 =item B I Select the disk I. Whether it is collected or ignored depends on the B setting, see below. As with other plugins that use the daemon's ignorelist functionality, a string that starts and ends with a slash is interpreted as a regular expression. Examples: Disk "sdd" Disk "/hda[34]/" =item B B|B Sets whether selected disks, i.Ee. the ones matches by any of the B statements, are ignored or if all other disks are ignored. The behavior (hopefully) is intuitive: If no B option is configured, all disks are collected. If at least one B option is given and no B or set to B, B matching disks will be collected. If B is set to B, all disks are collected B the ones matched. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I The dns plugin uses B to capture dns traffic and analyses it. This option sets the interface that should be used. If this option is not set, or set to "any", the plugin will try to get packets from B interfaces. This may not work on certain platforms, such as MacEOSEX. =item B I Ignore packets that originate from this address. =item B B|B Enabled by default, collects unknown (and thus presented as numeric only) query types. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Sets the socket-file which is to be created. =item B I If running as root change the group of the UNIX-socket after it has been created. Defaults to B. =item B I Change the file permissions of the UNIX-socket after it has been created. The permissions must be given as a numeric, octal value as you would pass to L. Defaults to B<0770>. =item B I Sets the maximum number of connections that can be handled in parallel. Since this many threads will be started immediately setting this to a very high value will waste valuable resources. Defaults to B<5> and will be forced to be at most B<16384> to prevent typos and dumb mistakes. =back =head2 Plugin C Please make sure to read L before using this plugin. It contains valuable information on when the executable is executed and the output that is expected from it. =over 4 =item B I[:[I]] I [IargE> [IargE> ...]] =item B I[:[I]] I [IargE> [IargE> ...]] Execute the executable I as user I. If the user name is followed by a colon and a group name, the effective group is set to that group. The real group and saved-set group will be set to the default group of that user. If no group is given the effective group ID will be the same as the real group ID. Please note that in order to change the user and/or group the daemon needs superuser privileges. If the daemon is run as an unprivileged user you must specify the same user/group here. If the daemon is run with superuser privileges, you must supply a non-root user here. The executable may be followed by optional arguments that are passed to the program. Please note that due to the configuration parsing numbers and boolean values may be changed. If you want to be absolutely sure that something is passed as-is please enclose it in quotes. The B and B statements change the semantics of the programs executed, i.Ee. the data passed to them and the response expected from them. This is documented in great detail in L. =back =head2 Plugin C The C plugin counts the number of files in a certain directory (and its subdirectories) and their combined size. The configuration is very straight forward: Instance "qmail-message" Instance "qmail-todo" Instance "php5-sessions" Name "sess_*" The example above counts the number of files in QMail's queue directories and the number of PHP5 sessions. Jfiy: The "todo" queue holds the messages that QMail has not yet looked at, the "message" queue holds the messages that were classified into "local" and "remote". As you can see, the configuration consists of one or more C blocks, each of which specifies a directory in which to count the files. Within those blocks, the following options are recognized: =over 4 =item B I Sets the plugin instance to I. That instance name must be unique, but it's your responsibility, the plugin doesn't check for that. If not given, the instance is set to the directory name with all slashes replaced by underscores and all leading underscores removed. =item B I Only count files that match I, where I is a shell-like wildcard as understood by L. Only the B is checked against the pattern, not the entire path. In case this makes it easier for you: This option has been named after the B<-name> parameter to L. =item B I Count only files of a specific age: If I is greater than zero, only files that haven't been touched in the last I seconds are counted. If I is a negative number, this is inversed. For example, if B<-60> is specified, only files that have been modified in the last minute will be counted. The number can also be followed by a "multiplier" to easily specify a larger timespan. When given in this notation, the argument must in quoted, i.Ee. must be passed as string. So the B<-60> could also be written as B<"-1m"> (one minute). Valid multipliers are C (second), C (minute), C (hour), C (day), C (week), and C (year). There is no "month" multiplier. You can also specify fractional numbers, e.Eg. B<"0.5d"> is identical to B<"12h">. =item B I Count only files of a specific size. When I is a positive number, only files that are at least this big are counted. If I is a negative number, this is inversed, i.Ee. only files smaller than the absolute value of I are counted. As with the B option, a "multiplier" may be added. For a detailed description see above. Valid multipliers here are C (byte), C (kilobyte), C (megabyte), C (gigabyte), C (terabyte), and C

(petabyte). Please note that there are 1000 bytes in a kilobyte, not 1024. =item B I|I Controls whether or not to recurse into subdirectories. Enabled by default. =back =head2 Plugin C The I is written in I and therefore documented in L. =head2 Plugin C The I plugin received the multicast traffic sent by B, the statistics collection daemon of Ganglia. Mappings for the standard "metrics" are built-in, custom mappings may be added via B blocks, see below. Synopsis: MCReceiveFrom "" "8649" Type "swap" TypeInstance "total" DataSource "value" Type "swap" TypeInstance "free" DataSource "value" The following metrics are built-in: =over 4 =item * load_one, load_five, load_fifteen =item * cpu_user, cpu_system, cpu_idle, cpu_nice, cpu_wio =item * mem_free, mem_shared, mem_buffers, mem_cached, mem_total =item * bytes_in, bytes_out =item * pkts_in, pkts_out =back Available configuration options: =over 4 =item B I [I] Sets sets the multicast group and UDP port to which to subscribe. Default: B<>E/EB<8649> =item EB IE These blocks add a new metric conversion to the internal table. I, the string argument to the B block, is the metric name as used by Ganglia. =over 4 =item B I Type to map this metric to. Required. =item B I Type-instance to use. Optional. =item B I Data source to map this metric to. If the configured type has exactly one data source, this is optional. Otherwise the option is required. =back =back =head2 Plugin C To get values from B collectd connects to B (, port B<7634/tcp>. The B and B options can be used to change these default values, see below. C has to be running to work correctly. If C is not running timeouts may appear which may interfere with other statistics.. The B homepage can be found at L. =over 4 =item B I Hostname to connect to. Defaults to B<>. =item B I TCP-Port to connect to. Defaults to B<7634>. =item B I|I If enabled, translate the disk names to major/minor device numbers (e.Eg. "8-0" for /dev/sda). For backwards compatibility this defaults to I but it's recommended to disable it as it will probably be removed in the next major version. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Select this interface. By default these interfaces will then be collected. For a more detailed description see B below. =item B I|I If no configuration if given, the B-plugin will collect data from all interfaces. This may not be practical, especially for loopback- and similar interfaces. Thus, you can use the B-option to pick the interfaces you're interested in. Sometimes, however, it's easier/preferred to collect all interfaces I a few ones. This option enables you to do that: By setting B to I the effect of B is inverted: All selected interfaces are ignored and all other interfaces are collected. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Selects sensors to collect or to ignore, depending on B. =item B I|I If no configuration if given, the B plugin will collect data from all sensors found of type "temperature", "voltage", "current" and "fanspeed". This option enables you to do that: By setting B to I the effect of B is inverted: All selected sensors are ignored and all other sensors are collected. =item B I|I If a sensor appears after initialization time of a minute a notification is sent. =item B I|I If a sensor disappears a notification is sent. =item B I|I If you have for example dual power supply and one of them is (un)plugged then a notification is sent. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I I [I [I]] Select the rules to count. If only I
and I are given, this plugin will collect the counters of all rules which have a comment-match. The comment is then used as type-instance. If I or I is given, only the rule with the matching comment or the Ith rule will be collected. Again, the comment (or the number) will be used as the type-instance. If I is supplied, it will be used as the type-instance instead of the comment or the number. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Select this irq. By default these irqs will then be collected. For a more detailed description see B below. =item B I|I If no configuration if given, the B-plugin will collect data from all irqs. This may not be practical, especially if no interrupts happen. Thus, you can use the B-option to pick the interrupt you're interested in. Sometimes, however, it's easier/preferred to collect all interrupts I a few ones. This option enables you to do that: By setting B to I the effect of B is inverted: All selected interrupts are ignored and all other interrupts are collected. =back =head2 Plugin C The I plugin makes it possible to write extensions for collectd in Java. This section only discusses the syntax and semantic of the configuration options. For more in-depth information on the I plugin, please read L. Synopsis: JVMArg "-verbose:jni" JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=/opt/collectd/lib/collectd/bindings/java" LoadPlugin "org.collectd.java.Foobar" # To be parsed by the plugin Available configuration options: =over 4 =item B I Argument that is to be passed to the I (JVM). This works exactly the way the arguments to the I binary on the command line work. Execute C--help> for details. Please note that B these options must appear B (i.Ee. above) any other options! When another option is found, the JVM will be started and later options will have to be ignored! =item B I Instantiates a new I object. The constructor of this object very likely then registers one or more callback methods with the server. See L for details. When the first such option is found, the virtual machine (JVM) is created. This means that all B options must appear before (i.Ee. above) all B options! =item B I The entire block is passed to the Java plugin as an I object. For this to work, the plugin has to register a configuration callback first, see L. This means, that the B block must appear after the appropriate B block. Also note, that I depends on the (Java) plugin registering the callback and is completely independent from the I argument passed to B. =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin allows CPU, disk and network load to be collected for virtualized guests on the machine. This means that these characteristics can be collected for guest systems without installing any software on them - collectd only runs on the hosting system. The statistics are collected through libvirt (L). Only I is required. =over 4 =item B I Connect to the hypervisor given by I. For example if using Xen use: Connection "xen:///" Details which URIs allowed are given at L. =item B I Refresh the list of domains and devices every I. The default is 60 seconds. Setting this to be the same or smaller than the I will cause the list of domains and devices to be refreshed on every iteration. Refreshing the devices in particular is quite a costly operation, so if your virtualization setup is static you might consider increasing this. If this option is set to 0, refreshing is disabled completely. =item B I =item B I =item B I =item B I|I Select which domains and devices are collected. If I is not given or I then only the listed domains and disk/network devices are collected. If I is I then the test is reversed and the listed domains and disk/network devices are ignored, while the rest are collected. The domain name and device names may use a regular expression, if the name is surrounded by I and collectd was compiled with support for regexps. The default is to collect statistics for all domains and all their devices. Example: BlockDevice "/:hdb/" IgnoreSelected "true" Ignore all I devices on any domain, but other block devices (eg. I) will be collected. =item B B When the libvirt plugin logs data, it sets the hostname of the collected data according to this setting. The default is to use the guest name as provided by the hypervisor, which is equal to setting B. B means use the guest's UUID. This is useful if you want to track the same guest across migrations. B means to use the global B setting, which is probably not useful on its own because all guests will appear to have the same name. You can also specify combinations of these fields. For example B means to concatenate the guest name and UUID (with a literal colon character between, thus I<"foo:1234-1234-1234-1234">). =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B B Sets the log-level. If, for example, set to B, then all events with severity B, B, or B will be written to the logfile. Please note that B is only available if collectd has been compiled with debugging support. =item B I Sets the file to write log messages to. The special strings B and B can be used to write to the standard output and standard error channels, respectively. This, of course, only makes much sense when collectd is running in foreground- or non-daemon-mode. =item B B|B Prefix all lines printed by the current time. Defaults to B. =back B: There is no need to notify the daemon after moving or removing the log file (e.Eg. when rotating the logs). The plugin reopens the file for each line it writes. =head2 Plugin C The C uses mbmon to retrieve temperature, voltage, etc. Be default collectd connects to B (, port B<411/tcp>. The B and B options can be used to change these values, see below. C has to be running to work correctly. If C is not running timeouts may appear which may interfere with other statistics.. C must be run with the -r option ("print TAG and Value format"); Debian's F script already does this, other people will need to ensure that this is the case. =over 4 =item B I Hostname to connect to. Defaults to B<>. =item B I TCP-Port to connect to. Defaults to B<411>. =back =head2 Plugin C The C connects to a memcached server, queries one or more given I and parses the returned data according to user specification. The I used are the same as the matches used in the C and C plugins. In order to talk to the memcached server, this plugin uses the I library. Please note that there is another library with a very similar name, libmemcache (notice the missing `d'), which is not applicable. Synopsis of the configuration: Server "localhost" Key "page_key" Regex "(\\d+) bytes sent" DSType CounterAdd Type "ipt_octets" Instance "type_instance" The configuration options are: =over 4 =item EB IE Each B block defines one I to be queried from the memcached server. The block requires one string argument which is used as I. =item B I
Sets the server address to connect to when querying the page. Must be inside a B block. =item B I When connected to the memcached server, asks for the page I. =item EBE Match blocks define which strings to look for and how matches substrings are interpreted. For a description of match blocks, please see L<"Plugin tail">. =back =head2 Plugin C The C connects to a memcached server and queries statistics about cache utilization, memory and bandwidth used. L =over 4 =item B I Hostname to connect to. Defaults to B<>. =item B I TCP-Port to connect to. Defaults to B<11211>. =back =head2 Plugin C The C requires B to be installed. It connects to one or more databases when started and keeps the connection up as long as possible. When the connection is interrupted for whatever reason it will try to re-connect. The plugin will complaint loudly in case anything goes wrong. This plugin issues the MySQL C / C command and collects information about MySQL network traffic, executed statements, requests, the query cache and threads by evaluating the C, C, C, C and C return values. Please refer to the B, I<5.1.6. Server Status Variables> for an explanation of these values. Optionally, master and slave statistics may be collected in a MySQL replication setup. In that case, information about the synchronization state of the nodes are collected by evaluating the C return value of the C command and the C, C and C return values of the C command. See the B, I< SHOW MASTER STATUS Syntax> and I< SHOW SLAVE STATUS Syntax> for details. Synopsis: Host "hostname" User "username" Password "password" Port "3306" MasterStats true Host "localhost" Socket "/var/run/mysql/mysqld.sock" SlaveStats true SlaveNotifications true A B block defines one connection to a MySQL database. It accepts a single argument which specifies the name of the database. None of the other options are required. MySQL will use default values as documented in the section "mysql_real_connect()" in the B. =over 4 =item B I Hostname of the database server. Defaults to B. =item B I Username to use when connecting to the database. The user does not have to be granted any privileges (which is synonym to granting the C privilege). Any existing MySQL user will do. =item B I Password needed to log into the database. =item B I Select this database. Defaults to I which is a perfectly reasonable option for what this plugin does. =item B I TCP-port to connect to. The port must be specified in its numeric form, but it must be passed as a string nonetheless. For example: Port "3306" If B is set to B (the default), this setting has no effect. See the documentation for the C function for details. =item B I Specifies the path to the UNIX domain socket of the MySQL server. This option only has any effect, if B is set to B (the default). Otherwise, use the B option above. See the documentation for the C function for details. =item B I =item B I Enable the collection of master / slave statistics in a replication setup. =item B I If enabled, the plugin sends a notification if the replication slave I/O and / or SQL threads are not running. =back =head2 Plugin C The netapp plugin can collect various performance and capacity informations from a NetApp filer using the NetApp API. To collect these data collectd will log in to the NetApp via HTTP(S) and HTTP basic authentication. B Create a special collectd user with just the minimum of capabilities needed. The user only needs the "login-http-admin" capability as well as a few more depending on which data will be collected. Required capabilities are documented below. =head3 Synopsis Protocol "https" Address "" Port 443 User "username" Password "aef4Aebe" Interval 30 Interval 30 GetBusy true The netapp plugin accepts the following configuration options: =over 4 =item B I A host block defines one NetApp filer. It will appear in collectd with the name you specify here which does not have to be its real name nor its hostname. =item B B|B The protocol collectd will use to query this host. Optional Type: string Default: https Valid options: http, https =item B
The hostname or IP address of the host. Optional Type: string Default: The "host" block's name. =item B I The TCP port to connect to on the host. Optional Type: integer Default: 80 for protocol "http", 443 for protocol "https" =item B I =item B I The username and password to use to login to the NetApp. Mandatory Type: string =item B I B =back The following options decide what kind of data will be collected. You can either use them as a block and fine tune various parameters inside this block, use them as a single statement to just accept all default values, or omit it to not collect any data. The following options are valid inside all blocks: =over 4 =item B I The host specific interval between data collections is multiplied by this value for collecting these data. Optional Type: integer Default: 1 =back =head3 The GetSystemPerfData block This will collect various performance data about the whole system. B To get this data the collectd user needs the "api-perf-object-get-instances" capability. =over 4 =item B B|B If you set this option to true the current CPU usage will be read. This will be the average usage between all CPUs in your NetApp without any information about individual CPUs. B These are the same values that the NetApp CLI command "sysstat" returns in the "CPU" field. Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: Two value lists of type "cpu", and type instances "idle" and "system". =item B B|B If you set this option to true the current traffic of the network interfaces will be read. This will be the total traffic over all interfaces of your NetApp without any information about individual interfaces. B This is the same values that the NetApp CLI command "sysstat" returns in the "Net kB/s" field. B Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: One value list of type "if_octects". =item B B|B If you set this option to true the current IO throughput will be read. This will be the total IO of your NetApp without any information about individual disks, volumes or aggregates. B This is the same values that the NetApp CLI command "sysstat" returns in the "DiskEkB/s" field. Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: One value list of type "disk_octets". =item B B|B If you set this option to true the current number of HTTP, NFS, CIFS, FCP, iSCSI, etc. operations will be read. This will be the total number of operations on your NetApp without any information about individual volumes or aggregates. B These are the same values that the NetApp CLI command "sysstat" returns in the "NFS", "CIFS", "HTTP", "FCP" and "iSCSI" fields. Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: A variable number of value lists of type "disk_ops_complex". Each type of operation will result in one value list with the name of the operation as type instance. =back =head3 The GetWaflPerfData block This will collect various performance data about the WAFL file system. At the moment this just means cache performance. B To get this data the collectd user needs the "api-perf-object-get-instances" capability. B The interface to get these values is classified as "Diagnostics" by NetApp. This means that it is not guaranteed to be stable even between minor releases. =over 4 =item B B|B Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: One value list of type "cache_ratio" and type instance "name_cache_hit". =item B B|B Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: One value list of type "cache_ratio" and type instance "find_dir_hit". =item B B|B Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: One value list of type "cache_ratio" and type instance "inode_cache_hit". =item B B|B B This is the same value that the NetApp CLI command "sysstat" returns in the "Cache hit" field. Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: One value list of type "cache_ratio" and type instance "buf_hash_hit". =back =head3 The Disks block This will collect performance data about the individual disks in the NetApp. B To get this data the collectd user needs the "api-perf-object-get-instances" capability. =over 4 =item B I Collect disk statistics every I seconds. =item B B|B If you set this option to true the busy time of all disks will be calculated and the value of the busiest disk in the system will be written. B This is the same values that the NetApp CLI command "sysstat" returns in the "Disk util" field. Probably. Optional Type: boolean Default: true Result: One value list of type "percent" and type instance "disk_busy". =back =head3 The GetVolumePerfData block This will collect various performance data about the individual volumes. All of these options take a list of volumes as parameters. In this case "volume" means just the name of the volume, without the "/vol/" prefix or anything like that. The special values "-" and "+" are supported. "-" means "don't collect values for any volumes". "+" means "collect values for all volumes, even volumes that are created after collectd was started." Additionally you can prefix a volume name with a "-" sign to exclude this one volume. Eg '"+" "-vol0"' collectes values for all volumes except vol0. The order of the parameters is important. '"-vol0" "+"' doesn't make sense because the "+" overrides the earlier "-vol0". B To get this data the collectd user needs the "api-perf-object-get-instances" capability. =over 4 =item B I [I ...] The current IO throughput will be read for every volume specified here. Optional Type: list of strings Default: "+" Result: Data sources of type "disk_octets" and the name of the volume as plugin_instance. =item B I [I ...] The current number of operation will be read for every volume specified here. Optional Type: list of strings Default: "+" Result: Data sources of type "disk_ops" and the name of the volume as plugin_instance. =item B I [I ...] The current latency for volume access in microseconds will be read for every volume specified here. Optional Type: list of strings Default: "+" Result: Data sources of type "disk_latency" and the name of the volume as plugin_instance. =back =head3 The GetVolumeData block This will collect capacity data about the individual volumes. All of these options take a list of volumes as parameters, just like the GetVolumePerfData options. B To get this data the collectd user needs the "api-volume-list-info" capability. =over 4 =item B The current capacity of the volume will be collected. This will result in two to four value lists, depending on the configuration of the volume. All data sources are of type "df_complex" with the name of the volume as plugin_instance. There will be type_instances "used" and "free" for the number of used and available bytes on the volume. If the volume has some space reserved for snapshots, a type_instance "snap_reserved" will be available. If the volume has SIS enabled, a type_instance "sis_saved" will be available. This is the number of bytes saved by the SIS feature. B The current NetApp API has a bug that results in this value being reported as a 32Ebit number. This plugin tries to guess the correct number which works most of the time. If you see strange values here, bug NetApp support to fix this. Optional Type: list of strings Default: "+" =item B B =back =head2 Plugin C The C plugin uses a netlink socket to query the Linux kernel about statistics of various interface and routing aspects. =over 4 =item B I =item B I Instruct the plugin to collect interface statistics. This is basically the same as the statistics provided by the C plugin (see above) but potentially much more detailed. When configuring with B only the basic statistics will be collected, namely octets, packets, and errors. These statistics are collected by the C plugin, too, so using both at the same time is no benefit. When configured with B all counters B the basic ones, so that no data needs to be collected twice if you use the C plugin. This includes dropped packets, received multicast packets, collisions and a whole zoo of differentiated RX and TX errors. You can try the following command to get an idea of what awaits you: ip -s -s link list If I is B, all interfaces will be selected. =item B I [I] =item B I [I] =item B I [I] Collect the octets and packets that pass a certain qdisc, class or filter. QDiscs and classes are identified by their type and handle (or classid). Filters don't necessarily have a handle, therefore the parent's handle is used. The notation used in collectd differs from that used in tc(1) in that it doesn't skip the major or minor number if it's zero and doesn't print special ids by their name. So, for example, a qdisc may be identified by C even though the minor number of B qdiscs is zero and thus not displayed by tc(1). If B, B, or B is given without the second argument, i.E.e. without an identifier, all qdiscs, classes, or filters that are associated with that interface will be collected. Since a filter itself doesn't necessarily have a handle, the parent's handle is used. This may lead to problems when more than one filter is attached to a qdisc or class. This isn't nice, but we don't know how this could be done any better. If you have a idea, please don't hesitate to tell us. As with the B option you can specify B as the interface, meaning all interfaces. Here are some examples to help you understand the above text more easily: VerboseInterface "All" QDisc "eth0" "pfifo_fast-1:0" QDisc "ppp0" Class "ppp0" "htb-1:10" Filter "ppp0" "u32-1:0" =item B The behaviour is the same as with all other similar plugins: If nothing is selected at all, everything is collected. If some things are selected using the options described above, only these statistics are collected. If you set B to B, this behavior is inverted, i.Ee. the specified statistics will not be collected. =back =head2 Plugin C The Network plugin sends data to a remote instance of collectd, receives data from a remote instance, or both at the same time. Data which has been received from the network is usually not transmitted again, but this can be actived, see the B option below. The default IPv6 multicast group is C. The default IPv4 multicast group is C<>. The default I port is B<25826>. Both, B and B can be used as single option or as block. When used as block, given options are valid for this socket only. For example: Server "collectd.internal.tld" SecurityLevel "sign" Username "myhostname" Password "ohl0eQue" =over 4 =item BServer> I [I]B> The B statement/block sets the server to send datagrams to. The statement may occur multiple times to send each datagram to multiple destinations. The argument I may be a hostname, an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address. The optional second argument specifies a port number or a service name. If not given, the default, B<25826>, is used. The following options are recognized within B blocks: =over 4 =item B B|B|B Set the security you require for network communication. When the security level has been set to B, data sent over the network will be encrypted using I. The integrity of encrypted packets is ensured using I. When set to B, transmitted data is signed using the I message authentication code. When set to B, data is sent without any security. This feature is only available if the I plugin was linked with I. =item B I Sets the username to transmit. This is used by the server to lookup the password. See B below. All security levels except B require this setting. This feature is only available if the I plugin was linked with I. =item B I Sets a password (shared secret) for this socket. All security levels except B require this setting. This feature is only available if the I plugin was linked with I. =back =item BListen> I [I]B> The B statement sets the interfaces to bind to. When multiple statements are found the daemon will bind to multiple interfaces. The argument I may be a hostname, an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address. If the argument is a multicast address the daemon will join that multicast group. The optional second argument specifies a port number or a service name. If not given, the default, B<25826>, is used. The following options are recognized within CListenE> blocks: =over 4 =item B B|B|B Set the security you require for network communication. When the security level has been set to B, only encrypted data will be accepted. The integrity of encrypted packets is ensured using I. When set to B, only signed and encrypted data is accepted. When set to B, all data will be accepted. If an B option was given (see below), encrypted data is decrypted if possible. This feature is only available if the I plugin was linked with I. =item B I Sets a file in which usernames are mapped to passwords. These passwords are used to verify signatures and to decrypt encrypted network packets. If B is set to B, this is optional. If given, signed data is verified and encrypted packets are decrypted. Otherwise, signed data is accepted without checking the signature and encrypted data cannot be decrypted. For the other security levels this option is mandatory. The file format is very simple: Each line consists of a username followed by a colon and any number of spaces followed by the password. To demonstrate, an example file could look like this: user0: foo user1: bar Each time a packet is received, the modification time of the file is checked using L. If the file has been changed, the contents is re-read. While the file is being read, it is locked using L. =back =item B I<1-255> Set the time-to-live of sent packets. This applies to all, unicast and multicast, and IPv4 and IPv6 packets. The default is to not change this value. That means that multicast packets will be sent with a TTL of C<1> (one) on most operating systems. =item B I<1024-65535> Set the maximum size for datagrams received over the network. Packets larger than this will be truncated. =item B I If set to I, write packets that were received via the network plugin to the sending sockets. This should only be activated when the B- and B-statements differ. Otherwise packets may be send multiple times to the same multicast group. While this results in more network traffic than necessary it's not a huge problem since the plugin has a duplicate detection, so the values will not loop. =item B I For each host/plugin/type combination the C caches the time of the last value being sent or received. Every I seconds the plugin searches and removes all entries that are older than I seconds, thus freeing the unused memory again. Since this process is somewhat expensive and normally doesn't do much, this value should not be too small. The default is 1800 seconds, but setting this to 86400 seconds (one day) will not do much harm either. =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin collects the number of connections and requests handled by the C (speak: engineEX), a HTTP and mail server/proxy. It queries the page provided by the C module, which isn't compiled by default. Please refer to L for more information on how to compile and configure nginx and this module. The following options are accepted by the C: =over 4 =item B I Sets the URL of the C output. =item B I Optional user name needed for authentication. =item B I Optional password needed for authentication. =item B B Enable or disable peer SSL certificate verification. See L for details. Enabled by default. =item B B Enable or disable peer host name verification. If enabled, the plugin checks if the C or a C field of the SSL certificate matches the host name provided by the B option. If this identity check fails, the connection is aborted. Obviously, only works when connecting to a SSL enabled server. Enabled by default. =item B I File that holds one or more SSL certificates. If you want to use HTTPS you will possibly need this option. What CA certificates come bundled with C and are checked by default depends on the distribution you use. =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin sends a desktop notification to a notification daemon, as defined in the Desktop Notification Specification. To actually display the notifications, B is required and B has to be able to access the X server. The Desktop Notification Specification can be found at L. =over 4 =item B I =item B I =item B I Set the I, in milliseconds, after which to expire the notification for C, C and C severities respectively. If zero has been specified, the displayed notification will not be closed at all - the user has to do so herself. These options default to 5000. If a negative number has been specified, the default is used as well. =back =head2 Plugin C The I plugin uses the I library to send notifications to a configured email address. I is available from L. Available configuration options: =over 4 =item B I
Email address from which the emails should appear to come from. Default: C =item B I
Configures the email address(es) to which the notifications should be mailed. May be repeated to send notifications to multiple addresses. At least one B must be present for the plugin to work correctly. =item B I Hostname of the SMTP server to connect to. Default: C =item B I TCP port to connect to. Default: C<25> =item B I Username for ASMTP authentication. Optional. =item B I Password for ASMTP authentication. Optional. =item B I Subject-template to use when sending emails. There must be exactly two string-placeholders in the subject, given in the standard I syntax, i.Ee. C<%s>. The first will be replaced with the severity, the second with the hostname. Default: C =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Hostname of the host running B. Defaults to B. =item B I UDP-Port to connect to. Defaults to B<123>. =item B B|B Sets wether or not to perform reverse lookups on peers. Since the name or IP-address may be used in a filename it is recommended to disable reverse lookups. The default is to do reverse lookups to preserve backwards compatibility, though. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B IB<@>I[B<:>I] Add a UPS to collect data from. The format is identical to the one accepted by L. =back =head2 Plugin C The I plugin connects to the TCP port opened by the I plugin of the Optimized Link State Routing daemon and reads information about the current state of the meshed network. The following configuration options are understood: =over 4 =item B I Connect to I. Defaults to B<"localhost">. =item B I Specifies the port to connect to. This must be a string, even if you give the port as a number rather than a service name. Defaults to B<"2006">. =item B B|B|B Specifies what information to collect about links, i.Ee. direct connections of the daemon queried. If set to B, no information is collected. If set to B, the number of links and the average of all I (LQ) and I (NLQ) values is calculated. If set to B LQ and NLQ are collected per link. Defaults to B. =item B B|B|B Specifies what information to collect about routes of the daemon queried. If set to B, no information is collected. If set to B, the number of routes and the average I and I is calculated. If set to B metric and ETX are collected per route. Defaults to B. =item B B|B|B Specifies what information to collect about the global topology. If set to B, no information is collected. If set to B, the number of links in the entire topology and the average I (LQ) is calculated. If set to B LQ and NLQ are collected for each link in the entire topology. Defaults to B. =back =head2 Plugin C B See notes below. The C plugin uses the B library from the B project L to read sensors connected via the onewire bus. Currently only temperature sensors (sensors with the family code C<10>, e.Eg. DS1820, DS18S20, DS1920) can be read. If you have other sensors you would like to have included, please send a sort request to the mailing list. Hubs (the DS2409 chips) are working, but read the note, why this plugin is experimental, below. =over 4 =item B I Sets the device to read the values from. This can either be a "real" hardware device, such as a serial port or an USB port, or the address of the L socket, usually B. Though the documentation claims to automatically recognize the given address format, with versionE2.7p4 we had to specify the type explicitly. So with that version, the following configuration worked for us: Device "-s localhost:4304" This directive is B and does not have a default value. =item B I Selects sensors to collect or to ignore, depending on B, see below. Sensors are specified without the family byte at the beginning, to you'd use C, and B include the leading C<10.> family byte and point. =item B I|I If no configuration if given, the B plugin will collect data from all sensors found. This may not be practical, especially if sensors are added and removed regularly. Sometimes, however, it's easier/preferred to collect only specific sensors or all sensors I a few specified ones. This option enables you to do that: By setting B to I the effect of B is inverted: All selected interfaces are ignored and all other interfaces are collected. =item B I Sets the interval in which all sensors should be read. If not specified, the global B setting is used. =back B The C plugin is experimental, because it doesn't yet work with big setups. It works with one sensor being attached to one controller, but as soon as you throw in a couple more senors and maybe a hub or two, reading all values will take more than ten seconds (the default interval). We will probably add some separate thread for reading the sensors and some cache or something like that, but it's not done yet. We will try to maintain backwards compatibility in the future, but we can't promise. So in short: If it works for you: Great! But keep in mind that the config I change, though this is unlikely. Oh, and if you want to help improving this plugin, just send a short notice to the mailing list. ThanksE:) =head2 Plugin C The OpenVPN plugin reads a status file maintained by OpenVPN and gathers traffic statistics about connected clients. To set up OpenVPN to write to the status file periodically, use the B<--status> option of OpenVPN. Since OpenVPN can write two different formats, you need to set the required format, too. This is done by setting B<--status-version> to B<2>. So, in a nutshell you need: openvpn $OTHER_OPTIONS \ --status "/var/run/openvpn-status" 10 \ --status-version 2 Available options: =over 4 =item B I Specifies the location of the status file. =back =head2 Plugin C The "oracle" plugin uses the Oracle® Call Interface I<(OCI)> to connect to an Oracle® Database and lets you execute SQL statements there. It is very similar to the "dbi" plugin, because it was written around the same time. See the "dbi" plugin's documentation above for details. Statement "SELECT category, COUNT(*) AS value FROM products WHERE in_stock = 0 GROUP BY category" Type "gauge" # InstancePrefix "foo" InstancesFrom "category" ValuesFrom "value" ConnectID "db01" Username "oracle" Password "secret" Query "out_of_stock" =head3 B blocks The Query blocks are handled identically to the Query blocks of the "dbi" plugin. Please see its documentation above for details on how to specify queries. =head3 B blocks Database blocks define a connection to a database and which queries should be sent to that database. Each database needs a "name" as string argument in the starting tag of the block. This name will be used as "PluginInstance" in the values submitted to the daemon. Other than that, that name is not used. =over 4 =item B I Defines the "database alias" or "service name" to connect to. Usually, these names are defined in the file named C<$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora>. =item B I Username used for authentication. =item B I Password used for authentication. =item B I Associates the query named I with this database connection. The query needs to be defined I this statement, i.Ee. all query blocks you want to refer to must be placed above the database block you want to refer to them from. =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin embeds a Perl-interpreter into collectd and provides an interface to collectd's plugin system. See L for its documentation. =head2 Plugin C The I plugin starts a new thread which sends ICMP "ping" packets to the configured hosts periodically and measures the network latency. Whenever the C function of the plugin is called, it submits the average latency, the standard deviation and the drop rate for each host. Available configuration options: =over 4 =item B I Host to ping periodically. This option may be repeated several times to ping multiple hosts. =item B I Sets the interval in which to send ICMP echo packets to the configured hosts. This is B the interval in which statistics are queries from the plugin but the interval in which the hosts are "pinged". Therefore, the setting here should be smaller than or equal to the global B setting. Fractional times, such as "1.24" are allowed. Default: B<1.0> =item B I Time to wait for a response from the host to which an ICMP packet had been sent. If a reply was not received after I seconds, the host is assumed to be down or the packet to be dropped. This setting must be smaller than the B setting above for the plugin to work correctly. Fractional arguments are accepted. Default: B<0.9> =item B I<0-255> Sets the Time-To-Live of generated ICMP packets. =back =head2 Plugin C The C plugin queries statistics from PostgreSQL databases. It keeps a persistent connection to all configured databases and tries to reconnect if the connection has been interrupted. A database is configured by specifying a B block as described below. The default statistics are collected from PostgreSQL's B which thus has to be enabled for this plugin to work correctly. This should usually be the case by default. See the section "The Statistics Collector" of the B for details. By specifying custom database queries using a B block as described below, you may collect any data that is available from some PostgreSQL database. This way, you are able to access statistics of external daemons which are available in a PostgreSQL database or use future or special statistics provided by PostgreSQL without the need to upgrade your collectd installation. The B manual can be found at L. Statement "SELECT magic FROM wizard WHERE host = $1;" Param hostname Type gauge InstancePrefix "magic" ValuesFrom magic Statement "SELECT COUNT(type) AS count, type \ FROM (SELECT CASE \ WHEN resolved = 'epoch' THEN 'open' \ ELSE 'resolved' END AS type \ FROM tickets) type \ GROUP BY type;" Type counter InstancePrefix "rt36_tickets" InstancesFrom "type" ValuesFrom "count" Host "hostname" Port "5432" User "username" Password "secret" SSLMode "prefer" KRBSrvName "kerberos_service_name" Query magic Service "service_name" Query backend # predefined Query rt36_tickets The B block defines one database query which may later be used by a database definition. It accepts a single mandatory argument which specifies the name of the query. The names of all queries have to be unique (see the B and B options below for an exception to this rule). The following configuration options are available to define the query: In each B block, there is one or more B blocks. B blocks define how to handle the values returned from the query. They define which column holds which value and how to dispatch that value to the daemon. Multiple B blocks may be used to extract multiple values from a single query. =over 4 =item B I Specify the I which the plugin should execute. The string may contain the tokens B<$1>, B<$2>, etc. which are used to reference the first, second, etc. parameter. The value of the parameters is specified by the B configuration option - see below for details. To include a literal B<$> character followed by a number, surround it with single quotes (B<'>). Any SQL command which may return data (such as C
The C
provides generic means to parse tabular data and dispatch user specified values. Values are selected based on column numbers. For example, this plugin may be used to get values from the Linux L filesystem or CSV (comma separated values) files.
Instance "slabinfo" Separator " " Type gauge InstancePrefix "active_objs" InstancesFrom 0 ValuesFrom 1 Type gauge InstancePrefix "objperslab" InstancesFrom 0 ValuesFrom 4
The configuration consists of one or more B blocks, each of which configures one file to parse. Within each B
block, there are one or more B blocks, which configure which data to select and how to interpret it. The following options are available inside a B
block: =over 4 =item B I If specified, I is used as the plugin instance. So, in the above example, the plugin name C would be used. If omitted, the filename of the table is used instead, with all special characters replaced with an underscore (C<_>). =item B I Any character of I is interpreted as a delimiter between the different columns of the table. A sequence of two or more contiguous delimiters in the table is considered to be a single delimiter, i.Ee. there cannot be any empty columns. The plugin uses the L function to parse the lines of a table - see its documentation for more details. This option is mandatory. A horizontal tab, newline and carriage return may be specified by C<\\t>, C<\\n> and C<\\r> respectively. Please note that the double backslashes are required because of collectd's config parsing. =back The following options are available inside a B block: =over 4 =item B I Sets the type used to dispatch the values to the daemon. Detailed information about types and their configuration can be found in L. This option is mandatory. =item B I If specified, prepend I to the type instance. If omitted, only the B option is considered for the type instance. =item B I [I ...] If specified, the content of the given columns (identified by the column number starting at zero) will be used to create the type instance for each row. Multiple values (and the instance prefix) will be joined together with dashes (I<->) as separation character. If omitted, only the B option is considered for the type instance. The plugin itself does not check whether or not all built instances are different. It’s your responsibility to assure that each is unique. This is especially true, if you do not specify B: B have to make sure that the table only contains one row. If neither B nor B is given, the type instance will be empty. =item B I [I ...] Specifies the columns (identified by the column numbers starting at zero) whose content is used as the actual data for the data sets that are dispatched to the daemon. How many such columns you need is determined by the B setting above. If you specify too many or not enough columns, the plugin will complain about that and no data will be submitted to the daemon. The plugin uses L and L to parse counter and gauge values respectively, so anything supported by those functions is supported by the plugin as well. This option is mandatory. =back =head2 Plugin C The C follows logfiles, just like L does, parses each line and dispatches found values. What is matched can be configured by the user using (extended) regular expressions, as described in L. Instance "exim" Regex "S=([1-9][0-9]*)" DSType "CounterAdd" Type "ipt_bytes" Instance "total" Regex "\\" DSType "CounterInc" Type "counter" Instance "local_user" The config consists of one or more B blocks, each of which configures one logfile to parse. Within each B block, there are one or more B blocks, which configure a regular expression to search for. The B option in the B block may be used to set the plugin instance. So in the above example the plugin name C would be used. This plugin instance is for all B blocks that B it, until the next B option. This way you can extract several plugin instances from one logfile, handy when parsing syslog and the like. Each B block has the following options to describe how the match should be performed: =over 4 =item B I Sets the regular expression to use for matching against a line. The first subexpression has to match something that can be turned into a number by L or L, depending on the value of C, see below. Because B regular expressions are used, you do not need to use backslashes for subexpressions! If in doubt, please consult L. Due to collectd's config parsing you need to escape backslashes, though. So if you want to match literal parentheses you need to do the following: Regex "SPAM \\(Score: (-?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\\)" =item B I Sets how the values are cumulated. I is one of: =over 4 =item B Calculate the average. =item B Use the smallest number only. =item B Use the greatest number only. =item B Use the last number found. =item B The matched number is a counter. Simply sets the internal counter to this value. =item B Add the matched value to the internal counter. =item B Increase the internal counter by one. This B is the only one that does not use the matched subexpression, but simply counts the number of matched lines. Thus, you may use a regular expression without submatch in this case. =back As you'd expect the B types interpret the submatch as a floating point number, using L. The B and B interpret the submatch as an integer using L. B does not use the submatch at all and it may be omitted in this case. =item B I Sets the type used to dispatch this value. Detailed information about types and their configuration can be found in L. =item B I This optional setting sets the type instance to use. =back =head2 Plugin C The C connects to the query port of a teamspeak2 server and polls interesting global and virtual server data. The plugin can query only one physical server but unlimited virtual servers. You can use the following options to configure it: =over 4 =item B I The hostname or ip which identifies the physical server. Default: =item B I The query port of the physical server. This needs to be a string. Default: "51234" =item B I This option has to be added once for every virtual server the plugin should query. If you want to query the virtual server on port 8767 this is what the option would look like: Server "8767" This option, although numeric, needs to be a string, i.Ee. you B use quotes around it! If no such statement is given only global information will be collected. =back =head2 Plugin C The I plugin connects to a device of "The Energy Detective", a device to measure power consumption. These devices are usually connected to a serial (RS232) or USB port. The plugin opens a configured device and tries to read the current energy readings. For more information on TED, visit L. Available configuration options: =over 4 =item B I Path to the device on which TED is connected. collectd will need read and write permissions on that file. Default: B =item B I Apparently reading from TED is not that reliable. You can therefore configure a number of retries here. You only configure the I here, to if you specify zero, one reading will be performed (but no retries if that fails); if you specify three, a maximum of four readings are performed. Negative values are illegal. Default: B<0> =back =head2 Plugin C The C counts the number of currently established TCP connections based on the local port and/or the remote port. Since there may be a lot of connections the default if to count all connections with a local port, for which a listening socket is opened. You can use the following options to fine-tune the ports you are interested in: =over 4 =item B I|I If this option is set to I, statistics for all local ports for which a listening socket exists are collected. The default depends on B and B (see below): If no port at all is specifically selected, the default is to collect listening ports. If specific ports (no matter if local or remote ports) are selected, this option defaults to I, i.Ee. only the selected ports will be collected unless this option is set to I specifically. =item B I Count the connections to a specific local port. This can be used to see how many connections are handled by a specific daemon, e.Eg. the mailserver. You have to specify the port in numeric form, so for the mailserver example you'd need to set B<25>. =item B I Count the connections to a specific remote port. This is useful to see how much a remote service is used. This is most useful if you want to know how many connections a local service has opened to remote services, e.Eg. how many connections a mail server or news server has to other mail or news servers, or how many connections a web proxy holds to web servers. You have to give the port in numeric form. =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I|I By default, the C plugin tries to read the statistics from the Linux C interface. If that is not available, the plugin falls back to the C interface. By setting this option to I, you can force the plugin to use the latter. This option defaults to I. =item B I Selects the name of the thermal device that you want to collect or ignore, depending on the value of the B option. This option may be used multiple times to specify a list of devices. =item B I|I Invert the selection: If set to true, all devices B the ones that match the device names specified by the B option are collected. By default only selected devices are collected if a selection is made. If no selection is configured at all, B devices are selected. =back =head2 Plugin C The C connects to a TokyoTyrant server and collects a couple metrics: number of records, and database size on disk. =over 4 =item B I The hostname or ip which identifies the server. Default: B<> =item B I The query port of the server. This needs to be a string, even if the port is given in its numeric form. Default: B<1978> =back =head2 Plugin C =over 4 =item B I Sets the socket-file which is to be created. =item B I If running as root change the group of the UNIX-socket after it has been created. Defaults to B. =item B I Change the file permissions of the UNIX-socket after it has been created. The permissions must be given as a numeric, octal value as you would pass to L. Defaults to B<0770>. =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin, if loaded, causes the Hostname to be taken from the machine's UUID. The UUID is a universally unique designation for the machine, usually taken from the machine's BIOS. This is most useful if the machine is running in a virtual environment such as Xen, in which case the UUID is preserved across shutdowns and migration. The following methods are used to find the machine's UUID, in order: =over 4 =item Check I (or I). =item Check for UUID from HAL (L) if present. =item Check for UUID from C / SMBIOS. =item Check for UUID from Xen hypervisor. =back If no UUID can be found then the hostname is not modified. =over 4 =item B I Take the UUID from the given file (default I). =back =head2 Plugin C The C plugin collects information about the usage of virtual memory. Since the statistics provided by the Linux kernel are very detailed, they are collected very detailed. However, to get all the details, you have to switch them on manually. Most people just want an overview over, such as the number of pages read from swap space. =over 4 =item B B|B Enables verbose collection of information. This will start collecting page "actions", e.Eg. page allocations, (de)activations, steals and so on. Part of these statistics are collected on a "per zone" basis. =back =head2 Plugin C This plugin doesn't have any options. B support is only available for Linux. It cannot yet be found in a vanilla kernel, though. To make use of this plugin you need a kernel that has B support built in, i.Ee. you need to apply the patches and compile your own kernel, which will then provide the F filesystem that is required by this plugin. The B homepage can be found at L. B: The traffic collected by this plugin accounts for the amount of traffic passing a socket which might be a lot less than the actual on-wire traffic (e.Eg. due to headers and retransmission). If you want to collect on-wire traffic you could, for example, use the logging facilities of iptables to feed data for the guest IPs into the iptables plugin. =head2 Plugin C This output plugin submits values to an http server by POST them using the PUTVAL plain-text protocol. Each destination you want to post data to needs to have one B block, within which the destination can be configured further, for example by specifying authentication data. Synopsis: User "collectd" Password "weCh3ik0" B blocks need one string argument which is used as the URL to which data is posted. The following options are understood within B blocks. =over 4 =item B I Optional user name needed for authentication. =item B I Optional password needed for authentication. =item B B|B Enable or disable peer SSL certificate verification. See L for details. Enabled by default. =item B B Enable or disable peer host name verification. If enabled, the plugin checks if the C or a C field of the SSL certificate matches the host name provided by the B option. If this identity check fails, the connection is aborted. Obviously, only works when connecting to a SSL enabled server. Enabled by default. =item B I File that holds one or more SSL certificates. If you want to use HTTPS you will possibly need this option. What CA certificates come bundled with C and are checked by default depends on the distribution you use. =item B B|B Format of the output to generate. If set to B, will create output that is understood by the I and I plugins. When set to B, will create output in the I (JSON). Defaults to B. =back =head1 THRESHOLD CONFIGURATION Starting with version C<4.3.0> collectd has support for B. By that we mean that the values are not only stored or sent somewhere, but that they are judged and, if a problem is recognized, acted upon. The only action collectd takes itself is to generate and dispatch a "notification". Plugins can register to receive notifications and perform appropriate further actions. Since systems and what you expect them to do differ a lot, you can configure B for your values freely. This gives you a lot of flexibility but also a lot of responsibility. Every time a value is out of range a notification is dispatched. This means that the idle percentage of your CPU needs to be less then the configured threshold only once for a notification to be generated. There's no such thing as a moving average or similar - at least not now. Also, all values that match a threshold are considered to be relevant or "interesting". As a consequence collectd will issue a notification if they are not received for twice the last timeout of the values. If, for example, some hosts sends it's CPU statistics to the server every 60 seconds, a notification will be dispatched after about 120 seconds. It may take a little longer because the timeout is checked only once each B on the server. When a value comes within range again or is received after it was missing, an "OKAY-notification" is dispatched. Here is a configuration example to get you started. Read below for more information. WarningMin 0.00 WarningMax 1000.00 FailureMin 0.00 FailureMax 1200.00 Invert false Instance "bar" Instance "eth0" FailureMax 10000000 DataSource "rx" Instance "idle" FailureMin 10 Instance "cached" WarningMin 100000000 There are basically two types of configuration statements: The C, C, and C blocks select the value for which a threshold should be configured. The C and C blocks may be specified further using the C option. You can combine the block by nesting the blocks, though they must be nested in the above order, i.Ee. C may contain either C and C blocks, C may only contain C blocks and C may not contain other blocks. If multiple blocks apply to the same value the most specific block is used. The other statements specify the threshold to configure. They B be included in a C block. Currently the following statements are recognized: =over 4 =item B I =item B I Sets the upper bound of acceptable values. If unset defaults to positive infinity. If a value is greater than B a B notification will be created. If the value is greater than B but less than (or equal to) B a B notification will be created. =item B I =item B I Sets the lower bound of acceptable values. If unset defaults to negative infinity. If a value is less than B a B notification will be created. If the value is less than B but greater than (or equal to) B a B notification will be created. =item B I Some data sets have more than one "data source". Interesting examples are the C data set, which has received (C) and sent (C) bytes and the C data set, which holds C and C operations. The system load data set, C, even has three data sources: C, C, and C. Normally, all data sources are checked against a configured threshold. If this is undesirable, or if you want to specify different limits for each data source, you can use the B option to have a threshold apply only to one data source. =item B B|B If set to B the range of acceptable values is inverted, i.Ee. values between B and B (B and B) are not okay. Defaults to B. =item B B|B Sets how often notifications are generated. If set to B one notification will be generated for each value that is out of the acceptable range. If set to B (the default) then a notification is only generated if a value is out of range but the previous value was okay. This applies to missing values, too: If set to B a notification about a missing value is generated once every B seconds. If set to B only one such notification is generated until the value appears again. =item B B|B If set to B, the minimum and maximum values given are interpreted as percentage value, relative to the other data sources. This is helpful for example for the "df" type, where you may want to issue a warning when less than 5E% of the total space is available. Defaults to B. =back =head1 FILTER CONFIGURATION Starting with collectd 4.6 there is a powerful filtering infrastructure implemented in the daemon. The concept has mostly been copied from I, the packet filter infrastructure for Linux. We'll use a similar terminology, so that users that are familiar with iptables feel right at home. =head2 Terminology The following are the terms used in the remainder of the filter configuration documentation. For an ASCII-art schema of the mechanism, see L<"General structure"> below. =over 4 =item B A I is a criteria to select specific values. Examples are, of course, the name of the value or it's current value. Matches are implemented in plugins which you have to load prior to using the match. The name of such plugins starts with the "match_" prefix. =item B A I is some action that is to be performed with data. Such actions could, for example, be to change part of the value's identifier or to ignore the value completely. Some of these targets are built into the daemon, see L<"Built-in targets"> below. Other targets are implemented in plugins which you have to load prior to using the target. The name of such plugins starts with the "target_" prefix. =item B The combination of any number of matches and at least one target is called a I. The target actions will be performed for all values for which B matches apply. If the rule does not have any matches associated with it, the target action will be performed for all values. =item B A I is a list of rules and possibly default targets. The rules are tried in order and if one matches, the associated target will be called. If a value is handled by a rule, it depends on the target whether or not any subsequent rules are considered or if traversal of the chain is aborted, see L<"Flow control"> below. After all rules have been checked, the default targets will be executed. =back =head2 General structure The following shows the resulting structure: +---------+ ! Chain ! +---------+ ! V +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ ! Rule !->! Match !->! Match !->! Target ! +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ ! V +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ ! Rule !->! Target !->! Target ! +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ ! V : : ! V +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ ! Rule !->! Match !->! Target ! +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ ! V +---------+ ! Default ! ! Target ! +---------+ =head2 Flow control There are four ways to control which way a value takes through the filter mechanism: =over 4 =item B The built-in B target can be used to "call" another chain, i.Ee. process the value with another chain. When the called chain finishes, usually the next target or rule after the jump is executed. =item B The stop condition, signaled for example by the built-in target B, causes all processing of the value to be stopped immediately. =item B Causes processing in the current chain to be aborted, but processing of the value generally will continue. This means that if the chain was called via B, the next target or rule after the jump will be executed. If the chain was not called by another chain, control will be returned to the daemon and it may pass the value to another chain. =item B Most targets will signal the B condition, meaning that processing should continue normally. There is no special built-in target for this condition. =back =head2 Synopsis The configuration reflects this structure directly: PostCacheChain "PostCache" Plugin "^mysql$" Type "^mysql_command$" TypeInstance "^show_" Plugin "rrdtool" The above configuration example will ignore all values where the plugin field is "mysql", the type is "mysql_command" and the type instance begins with "show_". All other values will be sent to the C write plugin via the default target of the chain. Since this chain is run after the value has been added to the cache, the MySQL C command statistics will be available via the C plugin. =head2 List of configuration options =over 4 =item B I =item B I Configure the name of the "pre-cache chain" and the "post-cache chain". The argument is the name of a I that should be executed before and/or after the values have been added to the cache. To understand the implications, it's important you know what is going on inside I. The following diagram shows how values are passed from the read-plugins to the write-plugins: +---------------+ ! Read-Plugin ! +-------+-------+ ! + - - - - V - - - - + : +---------------+ : : ! Pre-Cache ! : : ! Chain ! : : +-------+-------+ : : ! : : V : : +-------+-------+ : +---------------+ : ! Cache !--->! Value Cache ! : ! insert ! : +---+---+-------+ : +-------+-------+ : ! ! : ! ,------------' ! : V V : V : +-------+---+---+ : +-------+-------+ : ! Post-Cache +--->! Write-Plugins ! : ! Chain ! : +---------------+ : +---------------+ : : : : dispatch values : + - - - - - - - - - + After the values are passed from the "read" plugins to the dispatch functions, the pre-cache chain is run first. The values are added to the internal cache afterwards. The post-cache chain is run after the values have been added to the cache. So why is it such a huge deal if chains are run before or after the values have been added to this cache? Targets that change the identifier of a value list should be executed before the values are added to the cache, so that the name in the cache matches the name that is used in the "write" plugins. The C plugin, too, uses this cache to receive a list of all available values. If you change the identifier after the value list has been added to the cache, this may easily lead to confusion, but it's not forbidden of course. The cache is also used to convert counter values to rates. These rates are, for example, used by the C match (see below). If you use the rate stored in the cache B the new value is added, you will use the old, B rate. Write plugins may use this rate, too, see the C plugin, for example. The C plugin uses these rates too, to implement the C command. Last but not last, the B target makes a difference: If the pre-cache chain returns the stop condition, the value will not be added to the cache and the post-cache chain will not be run. =item B I Adds a new chain with a certain name. This name can be used to refer to a specific chain, for example to jump to it. Within the B block, there can be B blocks and B blocks. =item B [I] Adds a new rule to the current chain. The name of the rule is optional and currently has no meaning for the daemon. Within the B block, there may be any number of B blocks and there must be at least one B block. =item B I Adds a match to a B block. The name specifies what kind of match should be performed. Available matches depend on the plugins that have been loaded. The arguments inside the B block are passed to the plugin implementing the match, so which arguments are valid here depends on the plugin being used. If you do not need any to pass any arguments to a match, you can use the shorter syntax: Match "foobar" Which is equivalent to: =item B I Add a target to a rule or a default target to a chain. The name specifies what kind of target is to be added. Which targets are available depends on the plugins being loaded. The arguments inside the B block are passed to the plugin implementing the target, so which arguments are valid here depends on the plugin being used. If you do not need any to pass any arguments to a target, you can use the shorter syntax: Target "stop" This is the same as writing: =back =head2 Built-in targets The following targets are built into the core daemon and therefore need no plugins to be loaded: =over 4 =item B Signals the "return" condition, see the L<"Flow control"> section above. This causes the current chain to stop processing the value and returns control to the calling chain. The calling chain will continue processing targets and rules just after the B target (see below). This is very similar to the B target of iptables, see L. This target does not have any options. Example: Target "return" =item B Signals the "stop" condition, see the L<"Flow control"> section above. This causes processing of the value to be aborted immediately. This is similar to the B target of iptables, see L. This target does not have any options. Example: Target "stop" =item B Sends the value to "write" plugins. Available options: =over 4 =item B I Name of the write plugin to which the data should be sent. This option may be given multiple times to send the data to more than one write plugin. =back If no plugin is explicitly specified, the values will be sent to all available write plugins. Example: Plugin "rrdtool" =item B Starts processing the rules of another chain, see L<"Flow control"> above. If the end of that chain is reached, or a stop condition is encountered, processing will continue right after the B target, i.Ee. with the next target or the next rule. This is similar to the B<-j> command line option of iptables, see L. Available options: =over 4 =item B I Jumps to the chain I. This argument is required and may appear only once. =back Example: Chain "foobar" =back =head2 Available matches =over 4 =item B Matches a value using regular expressions. Available options: =over 4 =item B I =item B I =item B I =item B I =item B I Match values where the given regular expressions match the various fields of the identifier of a value. If multiple regular expressions are given, B regexen must match for a value to match. =back Example: Host "customer[0-9]+" Plugin "^foobar$" =item B Matches values that have a time which differs from the time on the server. This match is mainly intended for servers that receive values over the C plugin and write them to disk using the C plugin. RRDtool is very sensitive to the timestamp used when updating the RRD files. In particular, the time must be ever increasing. If a misbehaving client sends one packet with a timestamp far in the future, all further packets with a correct time will be ignored because of that one packet. What's worse, such corrupted RRD files are hard to fix. This match lets one match all values B a specified time range (relative to the server's time), so you can use the B target (see below) to ignore the value, for example. Available options: =over 4 =item B I Matches all values that are I of the server's time by I or more seconds. Set to zero for no limit. Either B or B must be non-zero. =item B I Matches all values that are I of the server's time by I or more seconds. Set to zero for no limit. Either B or B must be non-zero. =back Example: Future 300 Past 3600 This example matches all values that are five minutes or more ahead of the server or one hour (or more) lagging behind. =item B Matches the actual value of data sources against given minimumE/ maximum values. If a data-set consists of more than one data-source, all data-sources must match the specified ranges for a positive match. Available options: =over 4 =item B I Sets the smallest value which still results in a match. If unset, behaves like negative infinity. =item B I Sets the largest value which still results in a match. If unset, behaves like positive infinity. =item B B|B Inverts the selection. If the B and B settings result in a match, no-match is returned and vice versa. Please note that the B setting only effects how B and B are applied to a specific value. Especially the B and B settings (see below) are not inverted. =item B I [I ...] Select one or more of the data sources. If no data source is configured, all data sources will be checked. If the type handled by the match does not have a data source of the specified name(s), this will always result in no match (independent of the B setting). =item B B|B Specifies how checking with several data sources is performed. If set to B, the match succeeds if one of the data sources is in the configured range. If set to B the match only succeeds if all data sources are within the configured range. Default is B. Usually B is used for positive matches, B is used for negative matches. This means that with B you usually check that all values are in a "good" range, while with B you check if any value is within a "bad" range (or outside the "good" range). =back Either B or B, but not both, may be unset. Example: # Match all values smaller than or equal to 100. Matches only if all data # sources are below 100. Max 100 Satisfy "All" # Match if the value of any data source is outside the range of 0 - 100. Min 0 Max 100 Invert true Satisfy "Any" =item B Matches all values with one or more data sources of type B and where all counter values are zero. These counters usually I increased since they started existing (and are therefore uninteresting), or got reset recently or overflowed and you had really, I bad luck. Please keep in mind that ignoring such counters can result in confusing behavior: Counters which hardly ever increase will be zero for long periods of time. If the counter is reset for some reason (machine or service restarted, usually), the graph will be empty (NAN) for a long time. People may not understand why. =back =head2 Available targets =over 4 =item B Creates and dispatches a notification. Available options: =over 4 =item B I This required option sets the message of the notification. The following placeholders will be replaced by an appropriate value: =over 4 =item B<%{host}> =item B<%{plugin}> =item B<%{plugin_instance}> =item B<%{type}> =item B<%{type_instance}> These placeholders are replaced by the identifier field of the same name. =item B<%{ds:>IB<}> These placeholders are replaced by a (hopefully) human readable representation of the current rate of this data source. If you changed the instance name (using the B or B targets, see below), it may not be possible to convert counter values to rates. =back Please note that these placeholders are B! =item B B<"FATAL">|B<"WARNING">|B<"OKAY"> Sets the severity of the message. If omitted, the severity B<"WARNING"> is used. =back Example: Message "Oops, the %{type_instance} temperature is currently %{ds:value}!" Severity "WARNING" =item B Replaces parts of the identifier using regular expressions. Available options: =over 4 =item B I I =item B I I =item B I I =item B I I Match the appropriate field with the given regular expression I. If the regular expression matches, that part that matches is replaced with I. If multiple places of the input buffer match a given regular expression, only the first occurrence will be replaced. You can specify each option multiple times to use multiple regular expressions one after another. =back Example: # Replace "example.net" with "example.com" Host "\\" "example.com" # Strip "www." from hostnames Host "\\ =item B Sets part of the identifier of a value to a given string. Available options: =over 4 =item B I =item B I =item B I =item B I Set the appropriate field to the given string. The strings for plugin instance and type instance may be empty, the strings for host and plugin may not be empty. It's currently not possible to set the type of a value this way. =back Example: PluginInstance "coretemp" TypeInstance "core3" =back =head2 Backwards compatibility If you use collectd with an old configuration, i.Ee. one without a B block, it will behave as it used to. This is equivalent to the following configuration: Target "write" If you specify a B, the B target will not be added anywhere and you will have to make sure that it is called where appropriate. We suggest to add the above snippet as default target to your "PostCache" chain. =head2 Examples Ignore all values, where the hostname does not contain a dot, i.Ee. can't be an FQDN. Host "^[^\.]*$" Target "stop" Target "write" =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Florian Forster Eocto@verplant.orgE =cut