# -*-shell-script-*- # Autopackage spec file [Meta] RootName: @supertux.berlios.de/supertux:$SOFTWAREVERSION DisplayName: SuperTux Platform Game ShortName: supertux Maintainer: SuperTux Development Team Packager: Christoph Sommer Summary: SuperTux is a classic style 2D jump and run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games. SoftwareVersion: 0.3.0 PackageVersion: 1 AutopackageTarget: 1.0 [Description] SuperTux is a classic style 2D jump and run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games. Run and jump through multiple worlds, fighting off enemies by jumping on them or bumping them from below. Grabbing power-ups and other stuff on the way. [BuildPrepare] old_build_root="$build_root" APKG_BUILD_SKIP_MAKE=1 APKG_BUILD_ROOT=0 prepareBuild --enable-binreloc=yes --build=i386 jam jam "-sDESTDIR=$old_build_root" install [BuildUnprepare] unprepareBuild [Imports] echo '*' | import [Prepare] # Dependency checking require '@openal.org/openal' 0.0 require '@libsdl.org/sdl' 1.2 require '@opengl.org/opengl' 1.2 require '@xiph.org/libogg' 0.5 require '@xiph.org/libvorbis' 0.3 require '@gnu.org/libstdc++' 3 require '@libsdl.org/sdl_image' 1.2 require '@icculus.org/physfs' 1.0 [Install] # Put your installation script here installExe bin/* installData share/supertux copyFiles share/doc "$PREFIX/share" installIcon share/pixmaps/*.png installIcon share/pixmaps/*.xpm installDesktop "Games" share/applications/supertux.desktop [Uninstall] # Usually just the following line is enough to uninstall everything uninstallFromLog