// $Id$ using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using Gtk; using Gdk; using Glade; public class Application { [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.Window MainWindow; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.DrawingArea DrawingArea; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.CheckButton SolidCheckButton; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.CheckButton UniSolidCheckButton; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.CheckButton IceCheckButton; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.CheckButton WaterCheckButton; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.CheckButton SlopeCheckButton; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.CheckButton DontUseCheckButton; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.CheckButton HiddenCheckButton; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.Entry DataEntry; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.Entry AnimFpsEntry; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.Entry IDEntry; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.TreeView TileList; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.Combo TileGroupComboBox; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.MenuItem AddTileGroupMenu; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.Dialog RemapDialog; [Glade.Widget] private Gtk.SpinButton RD_spinButton; private string tilesetdir; private string tilesetfile; private TileSet tileset; private TileGroup selectedgroup; private Tile[] Tiles; private bool[] SelectionArray; private ArrayList Selection = new ArrayList(); private int TilesX; private int TilesY; private bool toggling; private bool selecting; private string currentimage; private Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf; public static int Main(string[] args) { Gtk.Application.Init(); Application app = new Application(); /* that's no proper commandlineparsing, but who'll notice... */ if(args.Length == 1) app.LoadTileSet(args[0]); Gtk.Application.Run(); return 0; } public Application() { Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML(null, "tiler.glade", null, null); gxml.Autoconnect(this); if(MainWindow == null || DrawingArea == null || RemapDialog == null) throw new Exception("some widgets not found"); DrawingArea.AddEvents((int) Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask); DrawingArea.AddEvents((int) Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask); DrawingArea.AddEvents((int) Gdk.EventMask.ButtonMotionMask); MainWindow.Show(); } protected void OnOpen(object o, EventArgs e) { FileChooserDialog fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog("Select TileSet", MainWindow, FileChooserAction.Open, new object[] {}); fileChooser.AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Cancel, Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel); fileChooser.AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Ok, Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); fileChooser.DefaultResponse = Gtk.ResponseType.Ok; Gtk.FileFilter filter; filter = new Gtk.FileFilter(); filter.Name = "Supertux tilesets"; filter.AddPattern("*.strf"); filter.AddPattern("*.stgt"); fileChooser.AddFilter( filter ); filter = new Gtk.FileFilter(); filter.Name = "Supertux 0.1.x tilesets"; filter.AddPattern("*.stgt"); fileChooser.AddFilter( filter ); filter = new Gtk.FileFilter(); filter.Name = "Supertux 0.3.x tilesets"; filter.AddPattern("*.strf"); fileChooser.AddFilter( filter ); Gtk.FileFilter all = new Gtk.FileFilter(); all.Name = "All Files"; all.AddPattern("*"); fileChooser.AddFilter( all ); int result = fileChooser.Run(); fileChooser.Hide(); if(result != (int) ResponseType.Ok) return; LoadTileSet(fileChooser.Filename); } private void LoadTileSet(string file) { try { tileset = new TileSet(); tileset.Parse(file); tilesetfile = file; tilesetdir = new FileInfo(file).Directory.ToString(); } catch(Exception exception) { ShowException(exception); } Selection.Clear(); SelectionChanged(); FillTileGroupComboBox(); FillTileList(); } protected void OnImportImage(object o, EventArgs e) { FileChooserDialog fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog("Select ImageFile", MainWindow, FileChooserAction.Open, new object[] {}); fileChooser.AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Cancel, Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel); fileChooser.AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Ok, Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); fileChooser.DefaultResponse = Gtk.ResponseType.Ok; Gtk.FileFilter all = new Gtk.FileFilter(); all.Name = "All Files"; all.AddPattern("*"); fileChooser.AddFilter( all ); int result = fileChooser.Run(); fileChooser.Hide(); if(result != (int) ResponseType.Ok) return; string file = fileChooser.Filename; string trim = tilesetdir + "/"; if (!file.StartsWith(trim)){ Console.WriteLine( "Imported file must be located inside tileset directory"); return; } ChangeImage(file.TrimStart(trim.ToCharArray())); int startid = tileset.Tiles.Count; for(int y = 0; y < TilesY; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < TilesX; ++x) { int i = y*TilesX+x; Tile tile = new Tile(); tile.ID = startid + i; ImageRegion region = new ImageRegion(); region.ImageFile = currentimage; region.Region = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x*TileSet.TILE_WIDTH, y*TileSet.TILE_HEIGHT, TileSet.TILE_WIDTH, TileSet.TILE_HEIGHT); tile.Images.Add(region); if(Tiles[i] != null) { Console.WriteLine( "Warning Tile in this region already existed..."); } Tiles[i] = tile; tileset.Tiles.Add(tile); } } FillTileList(); } private void ChangeImage(string file) { if(file == "") { currentimage = ""; pixbuf = null; return; } try { pixbuf = new Pixbuf(tilesetdir + "/" + file); if(pixbuf.Width % TileSet.TILE_WIDTH != 0 || pixbuf.Height % TileSet.TILE_HEIGHT != 0) Console.WriteLine("Warning: Image Width or Height is not a multiple of 32"); } catch(Exception e) { ShowException(e); return; } currentimage = new FileInfo(file).Name; TilesX = pixbuf.Width / TileSet.TILE_WIDTH; TilesY = pixbuf.Height / TileSet.TILE_HEIGHT; SelectionArray = new bool[TilesX * TilesY]; Tiles = new Tile[TilesX * TilesY]; // search tileset for tiles with matching image foreach(Tile tile in tileset.Tiles) { if(tile == null) continue; if(tile.Images.Count == 0) continue; ImageRegion region = (ImageRegion) tile.Images[0]; if(region.ImageFile == currentimage) { int px = region.Region.X / TileSet.TILE_WIDTH; int py = region.Region.Y / TileSet.TILE_HEIGHT; int i = py*TilesX+px; if(i < 0 || i >= Tiles.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Imageregion at tile " + tile.ID); continue; } if(Tiles[i] != null) { Console.WriteLine("Multiple tiles for region " + px*TileSet.TILE_WIDTH + " , " + py*TileSet.TILE_HEIGHT); continue; } Tiles[i] = tile; } } /* DrawingArea.Allocation = new Gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, pixbuf.Width, pixbuf.Height);*/ DrawingArea.WidthRequest = pixbuf.Width; DrawingArea.HeightRequest = pixbuf.Height; DrawingArea.QueueResize(); } protected void OnSave(object o, EventArgs e) { if (tileset.TooNew) Console.WriteLine( "Sorry, the file you are editing is too new, there will be huge data loss if you save this."); else tileset.Write(tilesetfile); } protected void OnQuit(object o, EventArgs e) { Gtk.Application.Quit(); } protected void OnDeleteQuit(object o, DeleteEventArgs e) { Gtk.Application.Quit(); } protected void OnAbout(object o, EventArgs e) { // string[] authors = new string[]{ // "", // }; Gtk.AboutDialog dialog = new Gtk.AboutDialog(); // dialog.Icon = ; dialog.ProgramName = "SuperTux Tiler"; dialog.Version = "0.0.3"; dialog.Comments = "A tileset editor for SuperTux 0.1.x"; // dialog.Authors = authors; dialog.Copyright = "Copyright (c) 2006 SuperTux Devel Team"; dialog.License = "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify" + Environment.NewLine + "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by" + Environment.NewLine + "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or" + Environment.NewLine + "(at your option) any later version." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," + Environment.NewLine + "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" + Environment.NewLine + "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the" + Environment.NewLine + "GNU General Public License for more details." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License" + Environment.NewLine + "along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.," + Environment.NewLine + "59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA" + Environment.NewLine; dialog.Website = "http://supertux.lethargik.org/"; dialog.WebsiteLabel = "SuperTux on the Web"; dialog.Run(); dialog.Destroy(); } protected void OnRemapTiles(object o, EventArgs e) { if(Tiles == null) return; RemapDialog.Show(); } protected void OnRemapDialogCancel(object o, EventArgs e) { RemapDialog.Hide(); } protected void OnRemapDialogApply(object o, EventArgs e) { RemapDialog.Hide(); try { // remap tiles int id; try { id = RD_spinButton.ValueAsInt; } catch(Exception exception) { ShowException(exception); return; } RemapTiles(id); } finally { RD_spinButton.Value = 1; } } protected void OnCreateTileGroup(object o, EventArgs e) { } protected void OnRenameTileGroup(object o, EventArgs e) { } protected void RemapTiles(int startID) { if(Tiles == null) return; // remap tiles int id = startID; foreach(Tile tile in Selection) { if(tile.ID == -1) continue; int oldid = tile.ID; tile.ID = id++; // remap in all tilegroups... foreach(TileGroup tilegroup in tileset.TileGroups) { int idx = tilegroup.Tiles.IndexOf(oldid); if(idx >= 0) { tilegroup.Tiles[idx] = tile.ID; } } } FillTileList(); SelectionChanged(); } protected void OnDrawingAreaExpose(object o, ExposeEventArgs e) { if(pixbuf == null) return; Drawable drawable = e.Event.Window; Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(drawable); drawable.DrawPixbuf(gc, pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0, pixbuf.Width, pixbuf.Height, RgbDither.None, 0, 0); gc.RgbFgColor = new Color(0xff, 0, 0); foreach(Tile tile in Selection) { System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = ((ImageRegion) tile.Images[0]).Region; drawable.DrawRectangle(gc, false, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height); } e.RetVal = false; } protected void OnDrawingAreaButtonPress(object o, ButtonPressEventArgs e) { if(SelectionArray == null) return; selecting = true; for(int i = 0; i < SelectionArray.Length; ++i) SelectionArray[i] = false; select((int) e.Event.X, (int) e.Event.Y); } private void select(int x, int y) { int tile = y/TileSet.TILE_HEIGHT * TilesX + x/TileSet.TILE_WIDTH; if(tile < 0 || tile >= SelectionArray.Length) return; SelectionArray[tile] = true; SelectionArrayChanged(); } protected void OnDrawingAreaMotionNotify(object i, MotionNotifyEventArgs e) { if(!selecting) return; select((int) e.Event.X, (int) e.Event.Y); } protected void OnDrawingAreaButtonRelease(object o, ButtonPressEventArgs e) { selecting = false; } protected void OnCheckButtonToggled(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(toggling) return; foreach(Tile tile in Selection) { if(sender == SolidCheckButton) tile.SetAttribute(Attribute.SOLID, SolidCheckButton.Active); if(sender == UniSolidCheckButton) tile.SetAttribute(Attribute.UNISOLID, UniSolidCheckButton.Active); if(sender == IceCheckButton) tile.SetAttribute(Attribute.ICE, IceCheckButton.Active); if(sender == WaterCheckButton) tile.SetAttribute(Attribute.WATER, WaterCheckButton.Active); if(sender == SlopeCheckButton) tile.SetAttribute(Attribute.SLOPE, SlopeCheckButton.Active); if(sender == HiddenCheckButton) tile.Hidden = HiddenCheckButton.Active; if(sender == DontUseCheckButton) tile.ID = DontUseCheckButton.Active ? -1 : 0; } } protected void OnEntryChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(toggling) return; foreach(Tile tile in Selection) { try { if(sender == IDEntry) tile.ID = Int32.Parse(IDEntry.Text); if(sender == DataEntry) tile.Data = Int32.Parse(DataEntry.Text); if(sender == AnimFpsEntry) tile.AnimFps = Single.Parse(AnimFpsEntry.Text); } catch(Exception) { // ignore parse errors for now... } } } private void SelectionArrayChanged() { Selection.Clear(); for(int i = 0; i < SelectionArray.Length; ++i) { if(!SelectionArray[i]) continue; if(Tiles[i] == null) { Console.WriteLine("Tile doesn't exist yet"); // TODO ask user to create new tile... continue; } Selection.Add(Tiles[i]); } SelectionChanged(); } private void SelectionChanged() { bool first = true; toggling = true; string nextimage = ""; foreach(Tile tile in Selection) { if(first) { SolidCheckButton.Active = tile.HasAttribute(Attribute.SOLID); UniSolidCheckButton.Active = tile.HasAttribute(Attribute.UNISOLID); IceCheckButton.Active = tile.HasAttribute(Attribute.ICE); WaterCheckButton.Active = tile.HasAttribute(Attribute.WATER); SlopeCheckButton.Active = tile.HasAttribute(Attribute.SLOPE); HiddenCheckButton.Active = tile.Hidden; DontUseCheckButton.Active = tile.ID == -1; DataEntry.Text = tile.Data.ToString(); AnimFpsEntry.Text = tile.AnimFps.ToString(); IDEntry.Text = tile.ID.ToString(); IDEntry.IsEditable = true; first = false; if(tile.Images.Count > 0) { nextimage = ((ImageRegion) tile.Images[0]).ImageFile; } } else { IDEntry.Text += "," + tile.ID.ToString(); IDEntry.IsEditable = false; if(tile.Images.Count > 0 && ((ImageRegion) tile.Images[0]).ImageFile != nextimage) { nextimage = ""; pixbuf = null; } } } if(nextimage != currentimage) ChangeImage(nextimage); toggling = false; DrawingArea.QueueDraw(); } private void FillTileList() { TileList.HeadersVisible = true; if(TileList.Columns.Length == 0) TileList.AppendColumn("Tile", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0); ListStore store = new ListStore(typeof(string)); if(selectedgroup == null) { foreach(Tile tile in tileset.Tiles) { if(tile == null) continue; store.AppendValues(new object[] { tile.ID.ToString() }); } } else { foreach(int id in selectedgroup.Tiles) { Tile tile; if (id >= tileset.Tiles.Count){ Console.WriteLine("Tile ID is above Tiles.Count: " + id.ToString()); continue; } else { tile = (Tile) tileset.Tiles[id]; } if(tile == null) { Console.WriteLine("tilegroup contains deleted tile"); continue; } store.AppendValues(new object[] { id.ToString() }); } } TileList.Model = store; TileList.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Multiple; } private void FillTileGroupComboBox() { string[] groups = new string[tileset.TileGroups.Count+1]; groups[0] = "All"; //Submenu submenu = new Submenu(); for(int i = 0; i < tileset.TileGroups.Count; ++i) { String tilegroup = ((TileGroup) tileset.TileGroups[i]).Name; groups[i+1] = tilegroup; //submenu.Add(new MenuItem(tilegroup)); } TileGroupComboBox.PopdownStrings = groups; TileGroupComboBox.Entry.IsEditable = false; //AddTileGroupMenu.Submenu = submenu; } protected void OnTileGroupComboBoxEntryActivated(object o, EventArgs args) { if(TileGroupComboBox.Entry.Text == "All") { selectedgroup = null; } else { foreach(TileGroup tilegroup in tileset.TileGroups) { if(tilegroup.Name == TileGroupComboBox.Entry.Text) { selectedgroup = tilegroup; break; } } } FillTileList(); } protected void OnTileListCursorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeModel model; TreePath[] selectpaths = TileList.Selection.GetSelectedRows(out model); Selection.Clear(); foreach(TreePath path in selectpaths) { TreeIter iter; model.GetIter(out iter, path); int id = Int32.Parse(model.GetValue(iter, 0).ToString()); Selection.Add(tileset.Tiles[id]); } SelectionChanged(); } private void ShowException(Exception e) { MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(MainWindow, DialogFlags.Modal | DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Ok, e.Message); dialog.Run(); dialog.Destroy(); } }