/***************************************************************************** * RRDLIB .NET Binding ***************************************************************************** * Created 2010/06/29 by Chris Larsen * * This .NET interface allows the use of Tobias Oetiker's awesome RRDtool * functions in .NET projects using the PInvoke method to load the rrdlib.dll * To use, please make sure that you place the rrdlib.dll in the same * directory as this dll, or change the "const string dll" to point to the * proper location. For documentation, please see the RRDtool website at: * http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/ * For useage examples, please see the rrd_binding_test project. ****************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; /// /// Contains data structures and methods for working with round robin databases. /// namespace dnrrdlib { /// /// Information about a particular RRD parameter. The key is the name of the parameter, /// type determines what kind of value we have, value is the value, and next is a /// pointer to another info object. /// [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)] public struct rrd_info_t { [FieldOffset(0), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string key; [FieldOffset(4)] // for 64 bit, set this to 8 and increment everyone else by 4 public rrd_info_type_t type; [FieldOffset(8)] public rrd_infoval_t value; [FieldOffset(16)] public IntPtr next; } /// /// This is a chunk of data returned from an RRD object /// [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct rrd_blob_t { public UInt32 size; /* size of the blob */ public IntPtr ptr; /* pointer */ }; /// /// This contains the actual data values for an rrd_info_t structure. /// NOTE: Only one of these will be valid per instance. Use the containing info_t's /// type field to deteremine which of these to read. /// NOTE: If the type is RD_I_STR, you have to marshal the string value yourself /// [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct rrd_infoval_t { [FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 u_cnt; [FieldOffset(0)] public double u_val; [FieldOffset(0)] public IntPtr u_str; [FieldOffset(0)] public Int32 u_int; [FieldOffset(0)] public rrd_blob_t u_blo; }; /// /// Different rrd_info_t value types /// public enum rrd_info_type_t { RD_I_VAL = 0, RD_I_CNT, RD_I_STR, RD_I_INT, RD_I_BLO }; /// /// Direct bindings to the RRD Library for .NET applications. Uses the PInvoke method /// of accessing the rrdlib.dll file. /// public class rrd { // Set this path to the location of your "rrdlib.dll" file const string dll = @"C:\Programming\RRDTool\SVN\win32\DebugDLL\rrdlib.dll"; // IMPORTS - Main methods [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_create(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_create_r([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string filename, UInt32 pdp_step, Int32 last_up, Int32 argc, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern IntPtr rrd_info_r(string filename); [DllImport(dll)] static extern void rrd_info_print(IntPtr data); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_update(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern IntPtr rrd_update_v(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_update_r(string filename, string template, Int32 argc, string[] argv); /* Do not use this until someone adds the FILE structure */ [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_graph(Int32 argc, string[] argv, ref string[] prdata, ref Int32 xsize, ref Int32 ysize, /* TODO - FILE, */ ref double ymin, ref double ymax); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_graph_v(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_fetch(Int32 argc, string[] argv, ref Int32 start, ref Int32 end, ref UInt32 step, [Out] out UInt32 ds_cnt, [Out] out IntPtr ds_namv, [Out] out IntPtr data); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_first(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_first_r(string filename, Int32 rraindex); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_last(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_last_r(string filename, Int32 rraindex); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_lastupdate(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_lastupdate_r(string filename, ref Int32 ret_last_update, ref UInt32 ret_ds_count, [Out] out IntPtr ret_ds_names, [Out] out IntPtr ret_last_ds); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_dump(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_dump_r(string filename, string outname); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_xport(Int32 argc, string[] argv, Int32 unused, ref Int32 start, ref Int32 end, ref UInt32 step, ref UInt32 col_cnt, [Out] out IntPtr leggend_v, [Out] out IntPtr data); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_restore(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_resize(Int32 argc, string[] argv); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_tune(Int32 argc, string[] argv); // IMPORTS - Utility methods [DllImport(dll)] static extern string rrd_strversion(); [DllImport(dll)] static extern Int32 rrd_random(); [DllImport(dll)] static extern IntPtr rrd_get_error(); // MAIN FUNCTIONS /// /// The create function of RRDtool lets you set up new Round Robin Database (RRD) files. /// The file is created at its final, full size and filled with *UNKNOWN* data. /// /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static int Create(string[] argv) { return rrd_create(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// The create function of RRDtool lets you set up new Round Robin Database (RRD) files. /// The file is created at its final, full size and filled with *UNKNOWN* data. /// /// A full path to the location where you want the rrd to reside /// Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD /// Timestamp of the last update /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static int Create(string filename, UInt32 pdp_step, Int32 last_up, string[] argv) { return rrd_create_r(filename, pdp_step, last_up, argv.GetUpperBound(0)+1, argv); } /// /// Returns a linked list of rrd_info_t objects that describe the rrd file. /// /// Full path to the rrd file /// An rrd_info_t object public static rrd_info_t Info(string filename) { if (filename.Length < 1) throw new Exception("Empty filename"); IntPtr ptr = rrd_info_r(filename); if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero || (int)ptr < 1) throw new Exception("Unable to extract information from rrd"); return (rrd_info_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(rrd_info_t)); } /// /// The update function feeds new data values into an RRD. The data is time aligned (interpolated) /// according to the properties of the RRD to which the data is written. /// /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Update(string[] argv) { return rrd_update(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// The update function feeds new data values into an RRD. The data is time aligned (interpolated) /// according to the properties of the RRD to which the data is written. /// /// String array of command line arguments /// An rrd_info_t pointer with information about the update public static IntPtr Update2(string[] argv) { return rrd_update_v(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// The update function feeds new data values into an RRD. The data is time aligned (interpolated) /// according to the properties of the RRD to which the data is written. /// /// Full path to the rrd to update /// List of data sources to update and in which order /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Update(string filename, string template, string[] argv) { return rrd_update_r(filename, template, argv.GetUpperBound(0)+1, argv); } /// /// Generate a graph from an RRD file. Specify all the graph options in the string array as you /// normally would with the command line version. /// /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Graph(string[] argv) { return rrd_graph_v(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// Returns an array of values for the period specified from a given rrd. /// Specify your parameters in the argv array and check the referenced parameters for /// values returned from the rrd /// /// String array of command line arguments (must include the filename) /// Starting timestamp found in the rrd /// Ending timestamp found in the rrd /// The rrd's step value /// Number of data sources found /// Names of data sources found /// Values found (in double type) /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Fetch(string[] argv, ref Int32 start, ref Int32 end, ref UInt32 step, ref UInt32 ds_cnt, ref string[] ds_namv, ref IntPtr data) { IntPtr ptr = new IntPtr(); Int32 rv = rrd_fetch(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv, ref start, ref end, ref step, out ds_cnt, out ptr, out data); ds_namv = GetStringArray(ptr, ds_cnt); return rv; } /// /// Returns the timestamp of the first value in the rrd given the rra index /// /// Full path to the rrd file /// 0 based index of the rra to get a value for /// Unix timestamp if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 First(string filename, int rraindex) { return rrd_first_r(filename, rraindex); } /// /// Returns the timestamp of the first value in the rrd /// /// String array of command line arguments /// Unix timestamp if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 First(string[] argv) { return rrd_first(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// Returns the timestamp of the last value in the rrd given the rra index /// /// /// Full path to the rrd file /// 0 based index of the rra to get a value for /// Unix timestamp if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Last(string filename, int rraindex) { return rrd_last_r(filename, rraindex); } /// /// Returns the timestamp of the last value in the rrd /// /// String array of command line arguments /// Unix timestamp if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Last(string[] argv) { return rrd_last(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// Finds the timestamp of the last updated value in the rrd /// /// Full path to the rrd file /// Unix timestamp of the last update /// Number of data sources found /// Names of the data sources found /// Name of the last data source found /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Last_Update(string filename, ref Int32 ret_last_update, ref UInt32 ret_ds_count, ref string[] ret_ds_names, ref string[] ret_last_ds) { IntPtr ds_names = new IntPtr(); IntPtr last_ds = new IntPtr(); Int32 rt = rrd_lastupdate_r(filename, ref ret_last_update, ref ret_ds_count, out ds_names,out last_ds); ret_ds_names = GetStringArray(ds_names, ret_ds_count); ret_last_ds = GetStringArray(last_ds, 1); return rt; } /// /// Writes the contents of an rrd file to an XML file /// /// Full path to the rrd file /// Full path to write the XML output /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Dump(string filename, string outname) { return rrd_dump_r(filename, outname); } /// /// Writes the contents of an rrd file to an XML file /// /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Dump(string[] argv) { return rrd_dump(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// Grabs the values from an rrd. Similar to fetch but enables merging of multiple /// rrds and calculations /// /// String array of command line arguments /// Starting timestamp found in the rrd /// Ending timestamp found in the rrd /// Step size found in the rrd /// Number of data sources found in the rrd /// Add a legend /// Values from the rrd as double type /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Xport(string[] argv, ref Int32 start, ref Int32 end, ref UInt32 step, ref UInt32 col_cnt, ref string[] legend_v, ref IntPtr data) { IntPtr legend = new IntPtr(); Int32 rt = rrd_xport(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv, 0, ref start, ref end, ref step, ref col_cnt, out legend, out data); legend_v = GetStringArray(legend, col_cnt); return rt; } /// /// Creates an rrd from an XML data dump /// /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Restore(string[] argv) { return rrd_restore(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// Alters the size of an RRA and creates a new rrd in the dll's directory /// NOTE: The new rrd may return unexpected results if you are not very careful /// NOTE: This may crash in version 1.4.3 /// /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Resize(string[] argv) { return rrd_resize(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } /// /// Modify the characteristics of an rrd /// /// String array of command line arguments /// 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred public static Int32 Tune(string[] argv) { return rrd_tune(argv.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, argv); } // UTILITIES /// /// Returns a string with the numeric version of the rrdlib build version /// /// A string with version information public static string Version() { return rrd_strversion(); } /// /// Generates a random number for testing rrdlib /// /// A random integer public static int Random() { return rrd_random(); } /// /// Returns the latest error from rrdlib /// /// A string with the error message, or an emtpy string if no error occurred public static string Get_Error() { IntPtr ptr = rrd_get_error(); if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) return ""; return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr); } /// /// Formats and prints information in the object to the standard output /// /// rrd_info_t object with data to print public static void Info_Print(rrd_info_t info) { IntPtr newptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(info)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(info, newptr, true); rrd_info_print(newptr); } /// /// Converts a Char ** array of characters from the RRDLib returned as an IntPtr and converts /// it to a String array given the number of items in the ptr array. /// Re: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1498931/marshalling-array-of-strings-to-char-in-c-must-be-quite-easy-if-you-know-ho /// /// Pointer to a character array returned from the RRDLib /// Number of items in the character array (not the number of characters) /// A string array private static string[] GetStringArray(IntPtr ptr, UInt32 size) { var list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { var strPtr = (IntPtr)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(IntPtr)); list.Add(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(strPtr)); ptr = new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + IntPtr.Size); } return list.ToArray(); } } }