#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh -*- tcl -*- \ exec tclsh@TCL_VERSION@ "$0" "$@" #package require Tnm 3.0 package require Rrd @VERSION@ set rrdfile "[lindex $argv 0]-[lindex $argv 1].rrd" # create rrdfile if not yet existent if {[file exists $rrdfile] == 0} { Rrd::create $rrdfile --step 5 \ DS:inOctets:COUNTER:10:U:U DS:outOctets:COUNTER:10:U:U \ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:12 } # get an snmp session context set session [Tnm::snmp generator -address [lindex $argv 0]] # walk through the ifDescr column to find the right interface $session walk descr IF-MIB!ifDescr { # is this the right interface? if {"[Tnm::snmp value $descr 0]" == "[lindex $argv 1]"} { # get the instance part of this table row set inst [lindex [Tnm::mib split [Tnm::snmp oid $descr 0]] 1] # get the two interface's octet counter values set in [lindex [lindex [$session get IF-MIB!ifInOctets.$inst] 0] 2] set out [lindex [lindex [$session get IF-MIB!ifOutOctets.$inst] 0] 2] # write the values to the rrd puts "$in $out" Rrd::update $rrdfile --template inOctets:outOctets N:$in:$out Rrd::graph gaga.png --title "gaga" \ DEF:in=$rrdfile:inOctets:AVERAGE \ DEF:out=$rrdfile:outOctets:AVERAGE \ AREA:in#0000FF:inOctets \ LINE2:out#00C000:outOctets #puts [Rrd::fetch $rrdfile AVERAGE] } }