=head1 NAME rrdtool fetch - fetch data from an rrd. =for html
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=head1 SYNOPSIS B B I I S<[B<--resolution>|B<-r> I]> S<[B<--start>|B<-s> I]> S<[B<--end>|B<-e> I]> =head1 DESCRIPTION The B function is normally used internally by the graph function, to get data from Bs. B will analyze the B and will try to retrieve the data in the resolution requested. The data fetched is printed to stdout. I<*UNKNOWN*> data is often represented by the string "NaN" depending on your OSs printf function. =over 8 =item I the name of the B you want to fetch the data from. =item I which consolidation function should have been applied to the data you want to fetch? (AVERAGE,MIN,MAX,LAST) =item B<--resolution>|B<-r> I (default is the highest resolution) what interval should the values have (seconds per value). B will try to match your request, but it will return data even if no absolute match is possible. =item B<--start>|B<-s> I (default end-1day) when should the data begin. A time in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01) is required. Negative numbers are relative to the current time. By default one day worth of data will be fetched. See also AT-STYLE TIME SPECIFICATION section for a detailed explanation on ways to specify start time. =item B<--end>|B<-e> I (default now) when should the data end. Time in seconds since epoch. See also AT-STYLE TIME SPECIFICATION section for a detailed explanation of how to specify end time. =back =head2 AT-STYLE TIME SPECIFICATION Apart from the traditional I, rrdtool does also understand at-style time specification. The specification is called "at-style" after Unix command at(1) that has moderately complex ways to specify time to run your job at. The at-style specification consists of two parts: B