=head1 NAME rrdtool graph - Round Robin Database tool grapher functions WARNING: This is for version 1.1.x which is B> software. The software may contain serious bugs. Some of the items described in here may not yet exist (although this should be mentioned) or still be in the alpha stage. As with every other RRDtool release: use at your own risk. In contrast with the stable version of RRDtool, this release may contain bugs known to the authors. It is highly recommended that you subscribe to the mailing list. =head1 SYNOPSYS B followed by any of the examples below =head1 DESCRIPTION For your convenience some of the commands are explained here by using detailed examples. They are not always cut-and-paste ready because comments are intermixed with the examples. =head1 EXAMPLES =head2 Nicely formatted legend section DEF:ds0=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE DEF:ds1=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds1:AVERAGE VDEF:ds0max=ds0,MAXIMUM,8,* VDEF:ds0avg=ds0,AVERAGE,8,* VDEF:ds0min=ds0,MINIMUM,8,* VDEF:ds0pct=95,ds0,PERCENTILE,8,* VDEF:ds1max=ds1,MAXIMUM,8,* VDEF:ds1avg=ds1,AVERAGE,8,* VDEF:ds1min=ds1,MINIMUM,8,* VDEF:ds1pct=95,ds1,PERCENTILE,8,* Note: consolidation occurs here. CDEF:ds0bits=ds0,8,* CDEF:ds1bits=ds1,8,* Note: 10 spaces to move text to the right COMMENT:" " Note: three times size == 11 chars, "###.## xBps" COMMENT:"Maximum " COMMENT:"Average " COMMENT:"Minimum " Note: last line contains new-line character COMMENT:"95th percentile\n" AREA:ds0bits#00C000:"Inbound " GPRINT:ds0max:"%6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:ds0avg:"%6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:ds0min:"%6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:ds0pct:"%6.2lf %Sbps\n" LINE1:ds1bits#0000FF:"Outbound" GPRINT:ds1max:"%6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:ds1avg:"%6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:ds1min:"%6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:ds1pct:"%6.2lf %Sbps\n" =head2 Offsetting a line on the y-axis Depending on your needs you can do this in two ways: =over 4 =item * Offset the data, then graph this DEF:mydata=my.rrd:ds:AVERAGE Note: this will also influence anything that uses "data" CDEF:data=mydata,100,+ LINE1:data#FF0000:"Data with offset" =item * Graph the original data, with an offset DEF:mydata=my.rrd:ds:AVERAGE Note: no color in the first line so it is not visible LINE1:100 Note: the second line gets stacked on top of the first one LINE1:data#FF0000:"Data with offset":STACK =back =head2 Time ranges Last four weeks: --start end-4w --end 00:00 Januari 2001: --start 200101010000 --end start+31d Januari 2001: --start 200101010000 --end 200102010000 Last hour: --start end-1h Last 24 hours: Yesterday: --end 00:00 =head2 Viewing Januari+Februari 2000 and 2001 together Define a graph area of 31+29 days (!) spanning Jan. and Feb. --start 20000101 --end 20000301 DEF:jan2000=router.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:start 20000101 end start+31d DEF:jan2001=router.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:start 20010101 end start+31d Note: mind the extra day in 2000 ... DEF:feb2000=router.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:start 20000201 end start+29d Note: 29 feb 2001 is *unknown* DEF:feb2001=router.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:start 20010201 end start+28d VDEF:offset=jan2001,FIRST,jan2000,FIRST,-,-1,* [ more of the usual VDEF and CDEF stuff if you like ] LINE1:jan2000#00003F:"Januari 2000" [ gprint stuff ] LINE1:feb2001#003F00:"Februari 2000" [ gprint stuff ] Note: offset is made negative by the VDEF statement SHIFT:offset LINE1:jan2001#0000FF:"Januari 2001" [ gprint stuff ] LINE1:feb2001#00FF00:"Februari 2001" [ gprint stuff ] =head1 SEE ALSO L gives an overview of how B works. L describes B,B and B in detail, L describes the B language used in the B statements, L page describes all of the graph and print functions. Make sure to read L for tipsEtricks. =head1 AUTHOR Program by Tobias Oetiker Eoetiker@ee.ethz.chE This manual page by Alex van den Bogaerdt Ealex@ergens.op.het.netE