=head1 NAME rrdlastupdate - Return the most recent update to an RRD =head1 SYNOPSIS B B I S<[B<--daemon> I
]> =head1 DESCRIPTION The B function returns the UNIX timestamp and the value stored for each datum in the most recent update of an RRD. =over 8 =item I The name of the B that contains the data. =item B<--daemon> I
Address of the L daemon. If specified, a C command is sent to the server before reading the RRD files. This allows B to return fresh data even if the daemon is configured to cache values for a long time. To specify a UNIX domain socket use the prefix C, see example below. Other addresses are interpreted as normal network addresses, i.Ee. IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in most cases. rrdtool lastupdate --daemon unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock /var/lib/rrd/foo.rrd =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The following environment variables may be used to change the behavior of Clastupdate>: =over 4 =item B If this environment variable is set it will have the same effect as specifying the C<--daemon> option on the command line. If both are present, the command line argument takes precedence. =back =head1 AUTHOR Andy Riebs Eandy.riebs@hp.comE