=head1 NAME rrdruby - About the RRD Ruby bindings =head1 SYNOPSIS require "RRD" RRD.create( rrd, "--step", "300", "DS:a:GAUGE:600:U:U", "DS:b:GAUGE:600:U:U", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:300") =head1 DESCRIPTION The B functions are directly callable via the Ruby programming language. This wrapper implementation has been written from the scratch (without SWIG) The API's simply expects string parameters to the functions. Please refer to the other B documentation for functions and valid arguments. =head1 EXAMPLE $: << '/path/to/rrdtool/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-linux' require "RRD" name = "test" rrd = "#{name}.rrd" start = Time.now.to_i RRD.create( rrd, "--start", "#{start - 1}", "--step", "300", "DS:a:GAUGE:600:U:U", "DS:b:GAUGE:600:U:U", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:300") puts puts "updating #{rrd}" start.to_i.step(start.to_i + 300 * 300, 300) { |i| RRD.update(rrd, "#{i}:#{rand(100)}:#{Math.sin(i / 800) * 50 + 50}") } puts puts "fetching data from #{rrd}" (fstart, fend, data) = RRD.fetch(rrd, "--start", start.to_s, "--end", (start + 300 * 300).to_s, "AVERAGE") puts "got #{data.length} data points from #{fstart} to #{fend}" puts puts "generating graph #{name}.png" RRD.graph( "#{name}.png", "--title", " RubyRRD Demo", "--start", "#{start+3600}", "--end", "start + 1000 min", "--interlace", "--imgformat", "PNG", "--width=450", "DEF:a=#{rrd}:a:AVERAGE", "DEF:b=#{rrd}:b:AVERAGE", "CDEF:line=TIME,2400,%,300,LT,a,UNKN,IF", "AREA:b#00b6e4:beta", "AREA:line#0022e9:alpha", "LINE3:line#ff0000") puts If you use the B<--ruby-site-install> configure option you can drop the $: line since the rrdtool module will be found automatically. If rrdtool runs into trouble, it will throw an exception which you might want to catch. =head1 SEE ALSO rrdcreate, rrdupdate, rrdgraph, rrddump, rrdfetch, rrdtune, rrdlast, rrdxport, rrdinfo =head1 AUTHOR Loïs Lherbier Elois.lherbier@covadis.chE Miles Egan Emiles@caddr.comE