=head1 NAME rrdtool tune - Modify some basic properties of a Round Robin Database =for html
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=head1 SYNOPSIS B B I S<[B<--heartbeat>|B<-h> I:I]> S<[B<--minimum>|B<-i> I:I]> S<[B<--maximum>|B<-a> I:I]> S<[B<--data-source-type>|B<-d> I:I]> S<[B<--data-source-rename>|B<-r> I:I]> S<[B<--deltapos> I]> S<[B<--deltaneg> I]> S<[B<--failure-threshold> I]> S<[B<--window-length> I]> S<[B<--alpha> I]> S<[B<--beta> I]> S<[B<--gamma> I]> =head1 DESCRIPTION The tune option allows you to alter some of the basic configuration values stored in the header area of a Round Robin Database (B). All these tunable parameters together decide when data fed into an B is to be regarded as invalid. Invalid data is entered into the database as *UNKNOWN*. One application of the B function is to relax the validation rules on an B. This allows to fill a new B with data available in larger intervals than what you would normally want to permit. Be very careful with tune operations for COMPUTE data sources. Setting the I, I, and I for a COMPUTE data source without changing the data source type to a non-COMPUTE B WILL corrupt the data source header in the B. A second application of the B function is to set or alter parameters used by the specialized function B for aberrant behavior detection. =over 8 =item I The name of the B you want to tune. =item S|B<-h> I:I> modify the I of a data source. By setting this to a high value the rrd will accept things like one value per day ... =item S|B<-i> I:I> alter the minimum value acceptable as input from the data source. Setting I to 'U' will disable this limit. =item S|B<-a> I:I> alter the maximum value acceptable as input from the data source. Setting I to 'U' will disable this limit. =item S|B<-d> I:I> alter the type B of a data source. =item S|B<-r> I:I> rename a data source =item S I> Alter the deviation scaling factor for the upper bound of the confidence band used internally to calculate violations for the FAILURES B. The default value is 2. Note that this parameter is not related to graphing confidence bounds, that scale factor must be specified as a CDEF argument to generate a graph with confidence bounds. It need not agree with the value used internally by the FAILURES B (although common sense dictates it should). =item S I> Alter the deviation scaling factor for the lower bound of the confidence band used internally to calculate violations for the FAILURES B. The default value is 2. As with B<--deltapos>, this argument is unrelated to the scale factor chosen when graphing confidence bounds. =item S I> Alter the number of confidence bound violations that constitute a failure for purposes of the FAILURES B. This must be an integer less than or equal to the window length of the FAILURES B. This restriction is not verified by the tune option, so one can reset failure-threshold and window-length simultaneously. Setting this option will reset the count of violations to 0. =item S I> Alter the number of time points in the temporal window for determining failures. This must be an integer greater than or equal to the window length of the FAILURES B and less than or equal to 28. Setting this option will reset the count of violations to 0. =item S I> Alter the intercept adaptation parameter for the Holt-Winters forecasting algorithm. Must be between 0 and 1. =item S I> Alter the intercept adaptation parameter for the Holt-Winters forecasting algorithm. Must be between 0 and 1. =item S I> Alter the seasonal coefficient and deviation adaptation parameters the SEASONAL and DEVSEAONAL B. Must be between 0 and 1. =back =head1 EXAMPLE 1 C Set the minimum required heartbeat for data sources 'in', 'out' and 'through' to 10000 seconds which is a little over one day in data.rrd. This would allow to feed old data from mrtg-2.0 right into rrdtool without generating *UNKNOWN* entries. =head1 EXAMPLE 2 C If the FAILURES B is implicitly created, the default window-length is 9 and the default failure-thresold is 7. This command now defines a failure as 3 or more violations in a temporal window of 5 time points. =head1 AUTHOR Tobias Oetiker