3 collectd-email - Documentation of collectd's C<email plugin>
11 SocketGroup "collectd"
18 The C<email plugin> opens an UNIX-socket over which one can submit email
19 statistics, such as the number of "ham", "spam", "virus", etc. mails
20 received/handled, spam scores and matched spam checks.
22 This plugin is intended to be used with the
23 L<Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Collectd> SpamAssassin-plugin which is included
24 in F<contrib/>, but is of course not limited to that use.
28 This plugin collects data indirectly by providing a UNIX-socket that external
29 programs can connect to. A simple line based protocol is used to communicate
36 E-Mail type (e.g. "ham", "spam", "virus", ...) and size (bytes):
40 If C<size> is less than or equal to zero, C<size> is ignored.
50 Successful spam checks (e.g. "BAYES_99", "SUBJECT_DRUG_GAP_C", ...):
52 c:<type1>[,<type2>,...]
54 Each line is limited to 256 characters (including the newline character).
55 Longer lines will be ignored.
66 The C<email plugin> has been written by Sebastian Harl E<lt>shE<nbsp>atE<nbsp>tokkee.orgE<gt>.
68 The SpamAssassin-plugin has been written by Alexander Wirt E<lt>formorerE<nbsp>atE<nbsp>formorer.deE<gt>.
70 This manpage has been written by Florian Forster E<lt>octoE<nbsp>atE<nbsp>verplant.orgE<gt>.