- Changed DocBook version to 4.3, 5.0 is not officially released yet and most
[supertux.git] / data / supertux.desktop
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Type=Application
3 Version=1.0
4 Encoding=UTF-8
5 Name=SuperTux
6 Name[en]=SuperTux
7 Name[de]=SuperTux
8 GenericName=A Platform Game
9 GenericName[en]=A Platform Game
10 GenericName[de]=Ein Jump&Run Spiel
11 Comment=A Super Mario inspired penguin platform game
12 Comment[en]=A Super Mario inspired penguin platform game
13 Comment[de]=Ein von Super Mario inspiriertes Pinguin Jump&Run Spiel
14 Icon=supertux.png
15 Exec=supertux
16 Terminal=false
17 StartupNotify=false
18 Categories=Application;Game;ArcadeGame